Statue Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette.

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Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Ahhhh thank you for the insight my friend ;) now I'm in the loop and a little disappointed :(
Well I have the exclusive piece ordered and it will be what it will be I guess :/ I'm just hoping they don't naff this one up.

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Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Ah, will we not be? That side of the production I am not totally sure on and to be honest have never questioned it... Which is naive of me as after reading through many topics I should do.

What does this actually mean then :/


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:slap You thought Joe was going to paint the entire edition size. :lol
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Lol no, just the exclusive as that what I've ordered and his name says 'paint' ��

Nice paint is not going to save this one. I agree about the LSB, I have the Savage and the sculpt is nice, but would be incredible with a better paint app. I decided to trade it with some other items for a Wolf LSF which I hope to be doing soon.
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

It would certainly make them exclusive if Joe painted all 300 ;) It's a nice thought...
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Lol no, just the exclusive as that what I've ordered and his name says 'paint' ��

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It goes without saying but I'll say it anyway even 300 would take forever for 1 guy to paint. This would be delayed until 2074-2089 :rotfl and that's if Joe speeds it up with 4-5 preds a year. HAHAHA

It would certainly make them exclusive if Joe painted all 300 ;) It's a nice thought...

Too many for 1 guy to paint, and also this would no longer be a $1200 piece. We'd probably be looking at closer to $2000 give or take. Given the amount of time spent and effort just give him $10,000 make it worth his while. Pay for his funeral. He'd be dead by then. Unless he lives well past 100.
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Haha you guys aren't going to let me live this one down are you! Now that I've really looked in to it... I can very clearly see what an absolute ding bat I've been and a little naive to the time and effort that goes in to painting one of these. I've been a serious collector of sideshow for many years but have JUST and I mean JUST got in to the background of the models and props and how they are made and painted etc.
After a bit of homework I am up to speed with you guys now and my earlier comment will be my last STUPID one! Haha! My mates here in the UK have pissed themselves laughing at me... Haha! Oh well!
I thought Joe would paint these two at a time with a paint brush in each hand... JUST KIDDING before you guys kick off with that one! Haha! 😜😜😜😜😜😜

So... The question now arises seen as I haven't had the time to research who the 'PAINTER'....lmao... of this P2 Maquette is... So how does it work?

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Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

The painter. From China... Named Sum Dum ***... Or So Fa Kin Dum....
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Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

It goes without saying but I'll say it anyway even 300 would take forever for 1 guy to paint. This would be delayed until 2074-2089 :rotfl and that's if Joe speeds it up with 4-5 preds a year. HAHAHA

Too many for 1 guy to paint, and also this would no longer be a $1200 piece. We'd probably be looking at closer to $2000 give or take. Given the amount of time spent and effort just give him $10,000 make it worth his while. Pay for his funeral. He'd be dead by then. Unless he lives well past 100.

I understand that after reading one of the Graphic Novels and contacting Gideon Suhn Lee, Joe has obtained the means to extend his life indefinetly. So we're good.

Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Haha you guys aren't going to let me live this one down are you! Now that I've really looked in to it... I can very clearly see what an absolute ding bat I've been and a little naive to the time and effort that goes in to painting one of these . . .

Lot's of people would not have seen the funny side and would have taken offence at the teasing - well done for rolling with the humour.

You, Sir, are a VERY good sport - and I applaud you :clap:clap:clap:hi5:


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