I don't know , I don't really like the idea of a hero predator. It just reminds me of avp way too much. I wanna go back to predator 1 or 2. A lone predator hunting for the best trophy he can find.
This would be my ideal movie :
Starts with troops in the desert in the middle of a war. They have a huge gun fight at the start against other human enemy's. They win and when they go into the enemy's base some are strung up and skinned whilst others are decapitated and such.
It freaks them out but they head out anyway , the predator eventually takes one of them out after seeing them defeating the others.
They all end up having a huge struggle trying to fight him off and survive.
The End scene could be on the back of a truck with one of the troops driving whilst one is in the back fighting off the predator who is trying to kill them both. He could be driving near the edge of a cliff and its all intense.
God I could certainly go on !.
Nice work on the sig by the way , looks great !