Predator Cinemaquette is here!!!!

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I would hate to spend $2000 and then the price starts dropping because there are too many made:confused: I would rather wait to see if the price may come down a few hundred. is there any way to know how many of these things have sold? and how many will be produced? :confused:

lol i would not bet on the price dropping..... these statues are being snapped up all over the place because its the ultimate mid/high price ranged predator collectable.

i would bet that the price on these will stay the same for 2-3 years, then when this gets hard to find the price WILL shoot up towards the trees
congrats fellas ! this is one piece that i want so bad but just can't afford it right now.hopefully he'll still be around at tax time . but im certain im not the only with this same thought.Again Congrats !
Here he is! #119 for me.







I just picked up the alien cinemaquette ( although not completely movie accurate I love the look of it ) . I don't have the funds for this but I' really considering knocking off some pre orders and saving up for this thing.

The base on the Alien is massive btw !. I was like ... WTF !!. :lol
Kinda don't wanna highjack the thread but I do have one from before.

I didn't know the photo was gonna be took , thats why i look so wasted... :lol


These things are unbelivably huge in person , I knew the specs but still in plain view there amazing to look at.
Holy ^^^^! That thing is massive!! God!
That looks amazing... :drool. What is it like 3ft tall?

And yes... you do look abit wasted.

24 inches .. so 2 feet , but the whole width of the thing just makes it look massive !. And the base too !. Its giant !. :lol The thing next to it is a lifesize bust ( around John Hurt's size ) with shoulders too so it gives an idea I guess.

And yeah... I do look wasted. :monkey1:lol:rotfl

The base looks sweet, and the plaque/name-plate adds to it.
And yes, it is an awesome Alien collection you got there. The Facehugger on Kane and CM look fantastic together.

:drool :drool :drool
theres a lifesize chestburster coming out of a ( I think its supposed to be Kanes ) wide open chest I have had my eyes on at a local stoe made by a local artist too.
If I had it I would have the three stages of xenomporh life I guess. Hugger. Chestburster. Alien. If I want this predator though I will have to drop it !.
uscmhicks, look like 14 years old. :) It's a compliment that you look young.