Predators - 1/6th scale Classic Predator Collectible Figure

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Has film written all over it.
We should have got AvP: Prey instead of Anderson's AvP.

They even stole a few things from the book.. Near the end of Prey, Machiko (main character, Human female) and Dachande (Predator clan leader) have to team up and fight their way through hoards of Xenos... Sound familiar?
predator 1, predator 2, both slightly or totally remade, and a pack of skulls.



not all the figures because "as many as possible" it's not collectioning, it's harvesting :)

To you, it is. Those few Predator figures you have are awesome, I will admit. Your P2 repaint is one of the greatest customs I've ever seen, but if others want to have even more Predator stuff in their collection, they're entitled to buy as much as they want.

It's easy (somewhat) to pick out the very best and make it a point to own nothing more. Some people just can't get enough and after already buying the best, what's left may not be as perfect, but it'll have to do if that's the direction in which they want to take their collection. Look at that gorgeous Alien statue by Yoshiko Sano, for example. There's a handful of collectors who claim that after they receive theirs, they won't have any need for another Alien collectible. Not everyone feels the same, and if you still crave more, you'll have to make the jump down to Sideshow, then Palisades, etc.

I'm not attacking you guys or anything, I'm merely pointing out that some of us on this board are more aware than others that in order to feed the never-ending Predator obsession, we'll have to tolerate certain issues with HT and NECA.

In the end, collect whatever and however you want. There's no need to criticize others for their choices in this matter, though.
I'm not attacking you guys or anything
you never did, who would think so? point and he will be attacked :thwak :lol

I'm merely pointing out that some of us on this board are more aware than others that in order to feed the never-ending Predator obsession, we'll have to tolerate certain issues with HT and NECA.:peace
i still think that if people were more demanding to HT as the most expensive articulated figures, they would finally pay attention to what they produce, and there would be no several pages here with posts like "WTF is this". that's my very old point :)

To you, it is. it's not. but i cannot find anything that would replace them. i had great hopes for P1 and P2 on new bodies (they have wrong shapes for KPH predators but at least they are big), but after "shadow" and "classic" as a new level i don't know what to hope for.
i still think that if people were more demanding to HT as the most expensive articulated figures, they would finally pay attention to what they produce, and there would be no several pages here with posts like "WTF is this". that's my very old point :)

It would be great if HTs listened to the complaints, but they rarely do!
Now, if enterbay or Blitzway were currently working on a classic Predator, then Im guessing HTs would be sure to listen!:lol
Remember when they were competing with enterbay on The Godfather figure?
A TOP figure came out of that.
Of course I accept that perfection is impossible, but I will never understand why HTs decide to make some of their silly changes, or why they dont put in a bit of extra time to address peoples concerns.
Oh well...
Remember when they were competing with enterbay on The Godfather figure?
A TOP figure came out of that.
competition is one of the keys to evolution! :rotfl
Hot Toys owns the 1/6 market. Who's going to compete with them?
as i understand, they can loose people's interest to it if others will make something better. like with that enterbay T2, looking like a woken up alcoholic but more alive than HTs 1/6.
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competition is one of the keys to evolution! :rotfl
as i understand, they can loose people's interest to it if others will make something better. like with that enterbay T2, looking like a woken up alcoholic but more alive than HTs 1/6.

So basically, a company needs to pay Fox some cash for the Predator license and combine accurate sculpting and top notch paint apps on a 1/6 figure before Hot Toys takes notice.:lol
So basically, a company needs to pay Fox some cash for the Predator license and combine accurate sculpting and top notch paint apps on a 1/6 figure before Hot Toys takes notice.:lol
...or just FIRE TSANG, HIRE TANKMAN :pray:
will be enough for me :D
(i forgot "make SilentSurfer a director of the painting company")
I highly doubt the guys in charge at FOX would care too much if a high-end 1/6-scale figure manufacturer put out a slightly-inaccurate figure. They're definitely not the best people to ask about this and I assume they'd go ga-ga over anything HT showed them because their non-collector minds can't imagine anything better.

I was once the same, before I really got into Pred collecting and started noticing all the subtle differences between products. :)
Yeah, I was trying to cater to whatever lies between "purist" and "indifferent bystander". To the hardcore fans, the differences are glaring, but to a casual passer-by, they may as well be non-existent.
I've been doing some thinking lately and realized something. To you purists out there (and you know who you are), what exactly do you collect from the Predator movies? How often do you buy a Predator piece? The NECA stuff is accurate, but the paint apps and overall QC are problematic; the HT stuff is inaccurate, but the paint apps and overall QC are miles ahead. Where does that leave you if you're in the mood for a figure representation?

If you bash every single figure that comes out and mock those who buy them, who are you to accuse others of not giving a damn about the character when you refuse to take part almost at all? The perfect figure will probably never become a reality and patience will eventually wear thin, so you might as well accept the situation based on the past experience you so-elitistly cherish, or back out of Predator entirely since you'll never be satisfied.

I'd like HT to start making changes too, but in all honesty, if you're going to be this critical when judging a figure (and those who choose to buy it), one would think your shelves to be nearly devoid of this stuff. Just because it's not worth $225 to you, doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else. I'm actually sorry you guys must look at all but maybe one or two of your Predator collectibles with regretful disgust.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying the hardcore accuracy buffs avoid products based on Predator entirely; some nitpicking is normal no matter what company you buy from, but when you do it to this extent, you're really narrowing down your choices. Those of us who want more than just one Predator piece will have to stomach the less-than-perfect alternatives to getting a 1:1 SSC bust or 1:4 maquette. If those (or an equally-awesome item) are enough for your collection, then more power to you.

So, essentially what you're saying (in a veiled way) is that you're an expert, and NECA and Hot Toys, etc. haven't got a clue.

Blade, you are one of those troubled purists you speak of, you are one of those that bash figures and statues because of your own mysterious accuracy criteria. Surely you can see that?

If you have something to say about accuracy, at least give a detailed explanation of what it is that you think is inaccurate. It's not good enough just to say it is.

If you really don't believe an item is worth the price, doesn't meet your expectations, then the best thing you can do as a consumer is to not buy it, that sends a clear message to the manufacturer. But, that doesn't happen with HT, NECA, etc, and it's not because the people consuming their products are clueless and don't understand what they're buying.

I only buy a collectible because I really like it and enjoy it.

What some of you want will only ever exist in the movies.... Realize that and you will be a much happier collectors, and the forum can be a fun and enjoyable place to discuss figures and the like.

Too many threads get taken over by tribal mentalities that insult and belittle people for expressing different opinions that stray away from their herd mentality.

All teenagers are headstrong and think they know it all, but when we grow up and reach a certain age, most of us come to terms with the fact that we don't really know much at all.
So, essentially what you're saying (in a veiled way) is that you're an expert, and NECA and Hot Toys, etc. haven't got a clue.

Blade, you are one of those troubled purists you speak of, you are one of those that bash figures and statues because of your own mysterious accuracy criteria. Surely you can see that?

If you have something to say about accuracy, at least give a detailed explanation of what it is that you think is inaccurate. It's not good enough just to say it is.

If you really don't believe an item is worth the price, doesn't meet your expectations, then the best thing you can do as a consumer is to not buy it, that sends a clear message to the manufacturer. But, that doesn't happen with HT, NECA, etc, and it's not because the people consuming their products are clueless and don't understand what they're buying.

I only buy a collectible because I really like it and enjoy it.

What some of you want will only ever exist in the movies.... Realize that and you will be a much happier collectors, and the forum can be a fun and enjoyable place to discuss figures and the like.

Too many threads get taken over by tribal mentalities that insult and belittle people for expressing different opinions that stray away from their herd mentality.

All teenagers are headstrong and think they know it all, but when we grow up and reach a certain age, most of us come to terms with the fact that we don't really know much at all.

Y'know, of all the things Blade could have said that you could possibly disagree with I really didn't think that post of his would be one of them. You do realise he was asking the hardcore accuracy nuts to tone it down don't you? He was looking for them to be more accepting that other people like what they like whether things be innaccurate, unofficial canon whatever. Just unbelievable, way to completely and utterly miss his core point. :slap

The first part I put in bold? Pretty sure Blade said exactly that yet you're saying it back at him. WTF? In fact yes, he did indeed say exactly this:

The perfect figure will probably never become a reality and patience will eventually wear thin, so you might as well accept the situation based on the past experience you so-elitistly cherish, or back out of Predator entirely since you'll never be satisfied.

I also found the second part I put in bold deeply ironic. Belittle people for expressing different opinions? Thats almost all you and Reaktwon ever do around here when someone criticises HT in even the slightest way.

I'm sorry but, the level of misinterpretation and lack of reading of what Blade actually said in that post is just hilarious. I thought that'd be one post of his that everyone could be on board with. Unbelievable.

Edit- I see, I know what happened. You read this part and nothing else:

The NECA stuff is accurate, but the paint apps and overall QC are problematic; the HT stuff is inaccurate, but the paint apps and overall QC are miles ahead.

And because you disagree that anything NECA could in any way be better than HT that set you off. No matter how benign, fair and objective the rest of his post was it didn't matter. "OMG he said NECA is more accurate nothing else he says can possibly be right so I won't read it".
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