Predators - 1/6th scale Classic Predator Collectible Figure

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That was my bad everyone.

Butters is a god who never even comes close to trolling with every post he makes.

It is obvious that his comments are not made just to attack and anger other members, he is by far the most incredibly nice and humble person I think I have ever met.

I love that guy so ____ing much. :monkey2 :1-1:
That was my bad everyone.

Butters is a god who never even comes close to trolling with every post he makes.

It is obvious that his comments are not made just to attack and anger other members, he is by far the most incredibly nice and humble person I think I have ever met.

I love that guy so ____ing much. :monkey2 :1-1:

I respect your honesty.:wink1:
Y'know, of all the things Blade could have said that you could possibly disagree with I really didn't think that post of his would be one of them. You do realise he was asking the hardcore accuracy nuts to tone it down don't you? He was looking for them to be more accepting that other people like what they like whether things be innaccurate, unofficial canon whatever. Just unbelievable, way to completely and utterly miss his core point. :slap

The first part I put in bold? Pretty sure Blade said exactly that yet you're saying it back at him. WTF? In fact yes, he did indeed say exactly this:

I also found the second part I put in bold deeply ironic. Belittle people for expressing different opinions? Thats almost all you and Reaktwon ever do around here when someone criticises HT in even the slightest way.

I'm sorry but, the level of misinterpretation and lack of reading of what Blade actually said in that post is just hilarious. I thought that'd be one post of his that everyone could be on board with. Unbelievable.

Edit- I see, I know what happened. You read this part and nothing else:

And because you disagree that anything NECA could in any way be better than HT that set you off. No matter how benign, fair and objective the rest of his post was it didn't matter. "OMG he said NECA is more accurate nothing else he says can possibly be right so I won't read it".

I find it laughable that people that write so much about their views about accuracy would even have the audacity to post something like that...

A-Dev, you can translate my post the way you see fit, but that certainly doesn't make what you say true...

I think Classic is going to be a fantastic figure, and it's laughable that 'the tribe' are already bashing it because of a few bad photos. WTF??

And it's always the same people doing the's like a mutating virus, or a plague...

It's about collectibles, not politics...
I find it laughable that people that write so much about accuracy would even have the audacity to post something like that...

A-Dev, you can translate my post the way you see fit, but that certainly doesn't make what you say true...

I think Classic is going to be a fantastic figure, and it's laughable that 'the tribe' are already bashing it because of a few bad photos. WTF??

And it's always the same people doing the's like a mutating virus, or a plague...

I'd just like to point out that I addressed that very same thing a few pages back, so...

I find it laughable that people that write so much about their views about accuracy would even have the audacity to post something like that...

Find me these posts where I go on about accuracy anywhere near to the extent other people around here do (and no disrespect to you guys who know who you are). In fact Butters I could bring up a recent post of mine where I say I don't know ___t about Predator accuracy.

Yep here it is:

a-dev;3977260 [B said:
A lot of people here can't tell about innaccuracies, myself included for the most part if I'm honest, I simply assume that the Predator and Alien hardcore obsessives know better than me

I don't where you get these ideas from that I, above so many others, am some sort of super-critic but I can tell you without a moments doubt that you are utterly wrong.
I gotta be honest here guys I'm pretty new around here and certainly cant go up against those of you with thousands of posts reputation-wise but I honestly dont understand the fuss.
I've seen all the Predator movies and they were a big part of my youth growing up running through the woods with a stick "gun" in my hands yelling out "He's using the trees!!!", and to this day I think the Predator is one of the best designed creatures Hollywood and the late great Stan Winston ever produced BUT I collect the HT Preds because they are simply cool looking figures of a cool looking creature and for no other reason.
Predator 2 for me anyways was pretty much a BLAH movie...same with AVP 1&2...again this is simply MY opinion nothing more. The fact that figures are still being made from a relatively "Meh." kinda movie from the early 90s is insane! I understand arguing the price point and I understand the argument about accepting inaccuracy simply because we are "lucky" to be getting anything at all but c'mon are the inaccuracies THAT detracting? PREDATORS was a great movie and I again find it insane that we are getting the quality of figures we are getting...although granted we are paying for it through the nose. Sometimes for me anyways inaccuracies can make a figure more likable, for example I can see that Beserker P looks NOTHING like he did with his helmet off and instead of hating it I actually like it more.
I guess Im one of those guys who could care less about the movies and would love it if HT just branched out into an extended universe of Predator designs and so maybe thats why it doesnt bother me so much.
Kinda lost sight of what my point was here or if I even had one to begin with other than the fact that I dont understand how people can look at these figures accurate or not and not just say "Wow thats f-ing awesome!"

...until you see the pricetag anyways.
I gotta be honest here guys I'm pretty new around here and certainly cant go up against those of you with thousands of posts reputation-wise but I honestly dont understand the fuss.
I've seen all the Predator movies ....................................................................I dont understand how people can look at these figures accurate or not and not just say "Wow thats f-ing awesome!"

...until you see the pricetag anyways.

You're absolutely right Hellion. The hilarity is that pretty much most people in this thread feel the same but if you say even one bad word certain people think you're a "hater". Its laughable.
I don't where you get these ideas from that I, above so many others, am some sort of super-critic but I can tell you without a moments doubt that you are utterly wrong.

Is it really that surprising? All of his posts give the impression that he feels he has to point the finger somewhere because everyone else is doing it. He just isn't sure where or why. I'm picturing the actual Butters character running around in circles between two sides of opposing people with a blindfold on.
Be nice to him'll get an infraction. :lol

..erm, although he does seem to try to copy everyone's attitudes, be part of the group, etc..and then fail at that, some of his posts are just naturally douchey and aggressive...without the whole "follow the leader" thing.
I gotta be honest here guys I'm pretty new around here and certainly cant go up against those of you with thousands of posts reputation-wise but I honestly dont understand the fuss. . .
Kinda lost sight of what my point was here or if I even had one to begin with other than the fact that I dont understand how people can look at these figures accurate or not and not just say "Wow thats f-ing awesome!"

...until you see the pricetag anyways.
Different people collect for different reasons, and there is no right or wrong reason to be into these things. Don't be put off by folks that seem to do nothing but complain, though. Hot Toys produce the highest quality action figures out there, and that goes for the Predators. If you can enjoy them for what they are, I wouldn't worry about what others might say--post count be damned!
Find me these posts where I go on about accuracy anywhere near to the extent other people around here do (and no disrespect to you guys who know who you are). In fact Butters I could bring up a recent post of mine where I say I don't know ___t about Predator accuracy.

Yep here it is:

I don't where you get these ideas from that I, above so many others, am some sort of super-critic but I can tell you without a moments doubt that you are utterly wrong.

Yeah, only 7,000 out of 10,000. :rotfl Lets just drop the win, I was wrong, I'm a troll, we're never going to agree... Back to the scheduled bashing of this inaccurate, horribly painted, poorly articulated figure. I'm looking forward to reading all the bad QC issue reports when it comes out. :slap:rotfl
I could care less what one member thinks of another, but if you have to resort to offensive name calling and insults to make your point, then your post isn't welcome on this forum.
You don't find any of Butters' posts to be a bit repetitive and intentionally trollish?
Don't be so hard on yourself, you were at least right about this^ Heck even when we agree it seems we don't. I'm gonna love this figure same as you. Wierd :dunno

Despite the sarcastic tone you might be hearing from the following sentence, I can assure you I'm being completely honest: a-dev, what you said blew my mind across the universe. Odd, but totally true!
Mr. Black was the last figure I bought, I wanted Falconer so bad but didn't like the skin colors they went with..that prototype was absolutely beautiful though.

I was very excited for Tracker and PO'd him, but cancelled later..Saw Snake and liked him, but had oddly kinda just lost interest at that point..

It's funny, a year ago I was at Petco looking for base display material for them. Now I've sold off all 4 of my HT Preds.
Going to sell my Mr. Black within the next few months.

I was considering purchasing Classic in hopes that HT would use that opportunity to go the accurate route, but nah... to answer your question, :lol, my interest began fading around May of this year, Falconer/Tracker time.

same here as well. berserker really was a buzz kill for me, the only saving grace i was hoping was its supposed large size...and they didnt deliver.

was also thinking of getting this one....but somehow i dont feel as excited as i should be, for some odd reason.

i like the headsculpt, but the paleface/powderface kinda looks yeuchs.