Super Freak
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One more.
One more.
r5150s is the one with the quills not me. I just added the P1 parts.
Everything else is straight out of the box.
Oh my bad bro. That's a really clean bio. You gonna repaint it and add some BD to it to make it more 87 accurate?
that's me dude.. i got another head...just don't want to risk it putting the bio on him
Some new shots.
I ordered one of the "Ancient Predator Elders" from Sideshow with the exclusive Alien head on a spear when it came out. Then I figured $130 was too much to spend on it and didn't answer the door when I had to sign, so they sent it back for a refund.
Now...*kicks self*.
Thats a horror story!
I think it would be great if you bought a 2nd one so you could display it two separate ways at the same time. But to keep one in the box i dont think it will ever rise as much in value as things used to. People's current mind set with classic are either
1) It is awesome! Light up hologram FTW!
2) I was going to get it but i will wait for the (unconfirmed) P1 Remake
However i think P2 Elder and P2 will be one to keep a 2nd of. Classic will always be P1-lite so hes got an uphill battle to be a source of profit
Classic will always be P1-lite so hes got an uphill battle to be a source of profit
Well there are people who prefer Classic over P1 Original.
Doubt it would drop in price over time either.