OT Preferist
Looks great man, nice work... who needs HT when you can do it yourself 

Looks great man, nice work... who needs HT when you can do it yourself![]()
Looks great man, nice work... who needs HT when you can do it yourself![]()
Great job fella. Based on the pics i've seen from Hot toys, if i saw these two, i'd choose yours all the time. SERIOUS
I'd prefer his too. It would be A.) I prefer to buy through my fellow freaks B.)Looks better C.) Probably cheapper, but not cheapper in quality.
Hey, if there is anything I can do to help, shoot me a PM.
Well done, Arni looks great. This is a custom that I'd like to do as well.
Here ya go dude, an almost exact copy of what he used. All you have to do is take the scpe off.
Yep, that would work. Arnie used an M16A2. You've got Arnie using an M4. But like you said, it get's the point across. Nice work! I like it.
Awesome work I'll have to get of my butt and complete mine.