PREDATORS- No Spoilers.

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Yeah, I know "Stickman" is a nickname. Obviously. Its just that I havent heard of it before, seen any concept art and it wasnt in the draft. So it came as a surprise for me.

I have already thought of what you brought up about the Hanzo thing. I havent seen the movie yet and I dont think it will bother me, but it is a small plot hole IMHO.

What kind of end are you talking about? Got me interested there.
Oh and StickMan was shown in the concept art. Look on AvPGalaxy's Predators gallery...gotta be somewhere in there. It's a pic of a big bug thing chasing a person over a tree.
Oh and StickMan was shown in the concept art. Look on AvPGalaxy's Predators gallery...gotta be somewhere in there. It's a pic of a big bug thing chasing a person over a tree.

This is the concept art...

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Look on AvPGalaxy's Predators gallery...gotta be somewhere in there.

I just looked. Apparently their gallery is temporarily down due to high traffic to their site. :lol

And here's what, appears to be, what he actually looks like in the film...
(I'm posting a link to avoid spoilers)

Yeah you can see it behind Adrian Brody in the video CelticP posted too.

wow that is good news. I enjoyed pred 2 so looking forward to this now
Also the review points out something CelticP pointed out ages ago about Royce being targeted in the Trailer.

Celtic said there was only one target in the final movie which there are more, but he did say that the scene in the trailer had extra sights added just for show. So well done for calling that one
guys title says no spoilers and that's getting very close to it. Even the review had spoilers so i skipped most of it and went to the verdict
LOL OK that's it for me,
I'm not dropping by till tommorow night,
I've got 25 hrs till I see this tommorow,I don't want to know anymore about the film,
(I'm not jumping on anyone or anything,just don't want to learn anymore without seeing the film)

Have a great time everyone :hi5:hope it's everything we want it to be:pray:

Got my tickets booked. Hope it's at least decent. Better than Predator 2 is more than enough for me if that's the case.
I thought avp-r might have been the last predator movie in a long while.
Or you could stop being so pompous and actually add to the discussion by explaining how you know "this movie sucks." :dunno

ok ill spell it out for you..IVE SEEN IT...its not terrible but its not great either...i didnt like the mix of characters...but to be fair to it it was never gonna live up to the original just copies it...and why are people slating predator 2 so much? its actually a great action film..i was expecting predators to be an 18 here in the uk but its only a 15..sure theres blood and the action on the whole is good...the cgi dogs just kill it at the start..they look rubbish
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