Got mine today. I was able to pull the mask on without cutting anything, but it was not easy, and I was worried something would break. The straps aren't a stretchy material, but had a slight bit of give. I pulled it up very s-l-o-w-l-y. I thought it might not go over his nose, but it did. Unfortunately, once you get them on him you can't really futz the position of the mask at all because the bottom strap on the back stops at the bottom of his hair and you can't pull it up any further. Still looks OK, but as a result, you can't get it to look like it does in some of the prototype pics. Also, the strap on top of his head fits loosely and can't be pulled taut.
My other complaint about this would be the paint apps (or lack thereof) on the mask. On the prototype, there was some nice, subtle weathering on the mask. But mine has no real noticeable weathering.
Otherwise, this figure is as was expected. Clothing is good. Not Rainman quality, but good. Accessories seem fine. Addition of stand is nice. Body is pretty tight.