That was your inference but it wasn't my insinuation. The biker outfit is an obvious point of distinction, but my question was more related to what options Denny & team will be offering - ie standard set and/or DX set or just a DX set.
My understanding is that the fabric outfit would only be offered in a DX set, with a standard set comprising of just the biker outfit - basically to set it apart from, and negate any commercial advantage afforded by, the Playtoys offering. Maybe it has been raised earlier, or maybe it hasn't yet been decided, but I'd also be interested to know if sculpt-only will be an option. In light of the Playtoys set, I'd guess not, but Iminime did offer the Maximum sculpt on its own when ACI's set was brought out.
I'm very happy you've stepped up to manage Iminime's threads, and I appreciate the frustration of having to respond to comments that get under your skin. Rise above it mate. The discussion would travel a lot smoother if you played a straight bat to comments that get under your skin. Emotions can take a perfectly fair and reasonable question and turn it into something that was never there to begin with.