An Evil Collector?
Romney would not only have gotten my enthusiastic vote, but my campaign support as well.

Romney would not only have gotten my enthusiastic vote, but my campaign support as well.
I'm covered...
I absolutely would have preferred Hillary vs. Romney. But then, I would have preferred ANYONE vs. Romney, since Romney would not only have gotten my enthusiastic vote, but my campaign support as well.
Is that an M1 Garand?
McCain is like toast without butter. Obama is like butter without toast.
McCain is like toast without butter. Obama is like butter without toast.
I have been hearing a lot of this from people. I am really suprised he didn't win since he seems to have a lot of loyal supporters. I said it before too, Romney as VP would have gotten Michigan and also he would have had a grasp on the economic crisis. I also agree I don't know how McCain beat Romney. I thought he did better in every GOP debate.
Are you suggesting we should melt Obama and spread him all over John McCain?
Are you suggesting we should melt Obama and spread him all over John McCain?
I love Rachel Maddow.
Sharp eye. Yep. My favorite rifle. Won it at a Garand match at Camp Perry. I've broken it down to every little piece, refinished it, and put it back together. It is a masterpiece of simplicity.
And for me, that is the one bright silver lining in Obama's impending presidency. It guarantees that a) Hillary CAN'T run again in '12 (and hopefully never again), and that Romney WILL run again (and most likely win the nomination).
You won that? Nice! A great weapon indeed, truly ahead of it's time. Do you fire it at all or have it as a collector's item?
McCain was stupid for throwing out that mortgage buy out last night, the country is broke.
I do too. She is left (most in the LBGT community are), but very likeable. She is way better than Olbermann.
Gawd yes, Romney over McCain any day.
Conservatives are still pondering the post-mortem of that campaign.
McCain could help himself out by naming Giuliani as future Attorney General
Romney as Sec of the Treasury and Liberman or Fred Thompson as Sec of Defense or Sec of State.
Get some real conservatives in this fight taking on Obamas neo socialist agenda.
McCain was stupid for throwing out that mortgage buy out last night, the country is broke.
She is very likeable for a lefty. She's kinda hot in a butch way too.