Presidential Debate Tonight - Obama vs. McCain.... DING, DING, DING

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I hate to say it, but I wasn't impressed by either one of them.... I was hoping I would see a spark of something.

Neither candidate was particularly bad or good, really...
I think you're wrong about that. The VP debate could very well affect many undecided "swing" voters who tune in.

I have to agree, many people are looking for Palin to be a Hillaryesque type of candidate just on the Republican side. They need her to be strong and ready to lead and guarding her from reporter's questions are really getting people to doubt her readiness. If she can show a really strong position and really hold her own against Biden a seasoned veteran, it'll boost McCain's numbers. If she can't then it won't be a really big fall but some of the swings will pull back. McCain has everything to gain but only a small backslide if Palin doesn't deliver since people aren't really expecting her to be able to hold against Biden in the first place.
One thing that is so funny, and it's making me appreciate everyone's opinion, but two people (or more) can watch exactly the same thing and see two totally different outcomes, mostly due to preconceptions.

I don't exclude myself from this observation.
One thing that is so funny, and it's making me appreciate everyone's opinion, but two people (or more) can watch exactly the same thing and see two totally different outcomes, mostly due to preconceptions.

I don't exclude myself from this observation.

Watching this debate, I wasn't wowed by either one. I still haven't decided who I am voting for.
Lose not loose. This is what happens when you do it to other people.:monkey5:monkey5:monkey5

Ha Ha Ha. :lol That's so funny man. I knew I made that mistake after I posted and almost went back and edited that post. But no one else seemed to pick up on my little "their" jab so I let it go. Touche. Leave it to you to pick up on it.
Ha Ha Ha. :lol That's so funny man. I knew I made that mistake after I posted and almost went back and edited that post. But no one else seemed to pick up on my little "their" jab so I let it go. Touche. Leave it to you to pick up on it.

It's probably because I like to ^^^^ with everybody. I am also pretty big on spelling. I hate making grammatical errors. Plus I am noticing the loose in place of lose more since I saw someone start a thread about it on another forum. got that going for you...which is nice.

Watch this, one of the funniest clip in flick. may need to get a little older to help "complement" the comedy.

Caddyshack, in case you didn't know.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Watch this, one of the funniest clip in flick. may need to get a little older to help "complement" the comedy.

Caddyshack, in case you didn't know.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Dude, I love Caddyshack. Its hilarious.
Yeah, the debate was pretty even. Both men had good things to say, and it was fun to watch them "box" a bit back and forth on some of the issues.

I'm interested to see the VP's go at it... I honestly think Palin won't be able to hold her own against Biden.. but we will see.
Watch this, one of the funniest clip in flick. may need to get a little older to help "complement" the comedy.

Caddyshack, in case you didn't know.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


.....Ok and McCain running on what agian.....I was a POW way back when so i'll make a good president......Give me a break.

McCain has agreed with Bush(who maybe the worst president ever) 90% of the time.

Exactly! I'm so sick of McCain talking about this. Ya know I don't give a crap anymore that you where a POW. Please start talking about what you will actually do instead of the crap you've been spitting out. This version of McCain just makes me gag honestly. The sad thing is I voted for the guy back in 2000 when he ran against Bush. That McCain I liked.

It cracks me up people saying Obama hasn't said anything. Are these people not watching TV, reading articles, looking at the net, etc? I'm mean if you really believe that it may be time to pull your head out and start using those eyes.
Yeah, the debate was pretty even. Both men had good things to say, and it was fun to watch them "box" a bit back and forth on some of the issues.

I'm interested to see the VP's go at it... I honestly think Palin won't be able to hold her own against Biden.. but we will see.

She couldn't hold her own against Katie Couric so next week should be interesting. Hopefully her days as a beauty pageant contestant will have taught her how to look her opponent in the eye. Experience McCain could have used tonight.
Cheers brothers. :duff

May all political threads be this casual.

In 39 days (I think) this will all be over and we'll be on path to somewhere different.
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