I had my hopes up when I heard he would be posed as a scene from
the Pelennor fields, with drawn sword, in battle, or somthing like it,
and was really hoping for a pose similar to this:
Like a few others here I think the features are somewhat off on the sculpt
in the preview image though. I mean no disrespect to the sculptor, I can
only imagine how hard it is to make these sculptures and especially to make
a human likeness. But I couldn't resist to make some changes in Photoshop
to make it a little more the way I would have liked it to look.
What I did was:
Lowered and darkened the eyebrows,
Made the nose just a tad smaller (hardly visible)
Changed the slope of the moustache and making the upper lip show
Changed the line of the beard on the cheek and under the mouth
Shortened the beard just a little bit
All this is rather subtle changes, IMO, that I guess would be possible to do on the
sculpt with too much work, but then I actually cheated by also shrinking the image
by 2% in height since I thought the face looked to long. This is the result:
And here's the original image for comparison:
I know it's much much easier to make changes on a 2D image than it is
on a 3D sculpture and I'm not sure what chances there are for changes
to be made on the actual sculpture before it's released, considering it's
apparently been approved by New Line already (?) but we can always
hope. You guys going to SDCC can maybe ask (beg) Sideshow nicely.