Wolverine in water....lol
Sorry it ended that way bro.
Those two Henderson pieces are amazing!
I like it better than the Finch piece.
I know me too, thanks man....I agree I love the Henderson pieces they are amazing
Wolverine in water....lol
Sorry it ended that way bro.
Those two Henderson pieces are amazing!
I like it better than the Finch piece.
What sixe is that sketch???
I actually like the fact that he is in water, I would love a statue like that with translucent resin or something similar, would look amazing.
That's a dope sketch, really, even if it was finished in a hurry, I love it.
yeah, i can see the sloppy penciling on that front boot, haha
Are the henderson ones art prints or did he ink/color those in person?
thanks bro...im happy I have a sketch from him none the less
I personally think the sketch still looks great. Sure, it would have nice if he could have finished it the way you wanted it done but it still looks great and you can totally tell it's a Finch piece. Try and look at the bright side, at least you still got an great looking original Wolverine sketch by Finch and you saved $200.
at least you spoke up and didn't get nailed for the full $500