But why would you want veins showing through on comic based statues, when they generally don’t in the comics? Especially a piece like this which is directly based on Lee’s Batman but he doesn’t draw him with veins through the suit.
You can't be serious... comparing hulk who wears purple pants which are way thicker material and the colour wouldn't allow you to see veins as easily. This batman looks like he's wearing a flexible fabric which would 100% show veins, I'm not saying all the little ones in his chest but 100% the bicep vein. Look at the size of his arms they are bigger than most pro body builders and he looks about 2% body fat
Who am I to argue with your "fake anatomy" logic?You can't be serious... comparing hulk who wears purple pants which are way thicker material and the colour wouldn't allow you to see veins as easily. This batman looks like he's wearing a flexible fabric which would 100% show veins, I'm not saying all the little ones in his chest but 100% the bicep vein. Look at the size of his arms they are bigger than most pro body builders and he looks about 2% body fat
You die or almost die, at 2% body fat. Pro bodybuilders go on stage at around 4-5%, sometimes higher depending on genetics. I'd say Batman as depicted in most comics is at around 8-9%.
Again, they just stuck to Jim Lee's artwork, that's how he depicts his characters and their goal was to recreate it the best they can.
But why would you want veins showing through on comic based statues, when they generally don’t in the comics? Especially a piece like this which is directly based on Lee’s Batman but he doesn’t draw him with veins through the suit.
Who am I to argue with your "fake anatomy" logic?
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I thought it was a realistic take on the comic? That's like saying why put detail on his suit when it isn't depicted in the comic lol
It's a fair point, but IMO Prime 1 isn't going to make any changes to this along the lines you outlined. So sounds like you won't be getting this unless you like the current sculpt as-is
My only complaint on this piece is the position of his legs. The statue looks awkward in some angles because of it.
It's a bit more static, P1's pose is really catching Batman in the middle of something.
I'm good with the pose honestly, I get why some people don't like it but it works for me.
Only the blue goes black right? I'm sure someone will do a photoshop to get a visual reference.
yes, but they may also darken the grey a bit.
damn nice! Great job and thanks!I got bored. Dunno about darkening the gray, but I reduced the yellow tinting caused by the convention lights.
I think I’ll stick with the blue even after seeing what the black should look like. Blue is pure Jim Lee and I’m sure will look amazing under cabinet lights. Plus I heard the black is going to be hard to get hold of, even more so in England here for me.
I got bored. Dunno about darkening the gray, but I reduced the yellow tinting caused by the convention lights.