Prometheus Body: Keep or Start Over?

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Yeah they should go back to the drawing board until they get it right. The Prometheus, while attempting to provide a better articulated body, was an epic failure. I've had to replace every figure released on it so far.

In the 1:6 collecting world, Sideshow is like Hasbro and Hot Toys is like Master Replicas.
I think the pictures of Belloq prove the Pro is a really good body, with much better articulation than the buck. People are just judging it based on the first Indy and those problems have been rectified.
I still say the True Type's shoulders are far to big for some figures.
Also, to say Sideshow is like Hasbro is far to harsh a comment.
I have amended several posts for bypassing the language filter. Please do not try to avoid this. Anyone that does will receive an infraction and further action taken if necessary.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but there is no need for it to be rude or vulgar, lets at least keep the discussion constructive.
x :peace
I have amended several posts for bypassing the language filter. Please do not try to avoid this. Anyone that does will receive an infraction and further action taken if necessary.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but there is no need for it to be rude or vulgar, lets at least keep the discussion constructive.
x :peace

wise words! i got an infraction:chew

I have amended several posts for bypassing the language filter. Please do not try to avoid this. Anyone that does will receive an infraction and further action taken if necessary.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but there is no need for it to be rude or vulgar, lets at least keep the discussion constructive.
x :peace

Good morning to you post nazi :moon
Point taken. Rules are rules, and I forgot about the new language filter thing. I guess I have trouble expressing my feelings clearly, so I resort to swearing. Very bad habit!

I have amended several posts for bypassing the language filter. Please do not try to avoid this. Anyone that does will receive an infraction and further action taken if necessary.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but there is no need for it to be rude or vulgar, lets at least keep the discussion constructive.
x :peace
I never said they stole anything. They might have asked/paid Volks USA to use the design. But there is nothing sub-conscious about it. Look at the legs. All those pieces are from the same molds. Everything else is also the same, except with a new surface.

Pix, yeah I'm sure I scared away all the reps. First of all, if they refuse to post here just because someone speaks their opinion, then that is pretty sad. Secondly, I haven't seen any Sideshow artists post here since late 2005, with exception of the portrait sculptors Andy, Trevor, and on a rare occassion, Oluf and Tim. Maybe if some designers from Sideshow visited and posted once in a while, there could be some thoughtful discussion and not just endless lists of what people would like to see improved...with posts that might come across a bit strong because it feels talking into a blind alley with no response but an echo.

It's the extreme negativity and the erroneous assumptions that are so discouraging and keep away any active participation from SSC.
I've been here for a while now, since the old EZ Board, and I don't remember Sideshow ever being all that active here. The only real particiaption I ever noticed was Andy Bergholtz posting occassionally, and then Dusty of course. Nothing of real consequence though, info or company participation wise.
Interesting. I can recall Shaithis77, SideshowChris, SideshowQ, SideshowDennis, & brant not to mention Dooley posting here.
Bigger crowds=needing to be more dramatic with your posts in order to be heard. Sometimes that forms itself in being brash or overly chicken little and sometimes that forms itself into being really defensive on behalf of SSC. The defensiveness then leads to further rudeness and straight up saying SSC is full of blind people or something really rude. Unfortunately its mob mentality because its so annonymous. Such is the way the web works.
Once in a great blue moon, Shaithis or some of the others might post one or two posts, but it was never anything terribly informative or interactive.
Who cares whether SSC post here? If we were talking to them all the time the conversations people have about them wouldn't be so interesting, they'd be more guarded.
I've been here for a while now, since the old EZ Board, and I don't remember Sideshow ever being all that active here. The only real particiaption I ever noticed was Andy Bergholtz posting occassionally, and then Dusty of course. Nothing of real consequence though, info or company participation wise.

They were certainly more active back in the day, not only in the Ask SS section but as you say Dusty (and other SSC reps) also joined us in the general forum areas as did some of the Artists/Sculptors.

x :peace