Can you imagine meeting a really hot girl and you're getting on and she leans over and softly whispers in your ear: I was a boy.
What's scarier -- that or the neomorph?
And more importantly... Would you stop?
What if your body just freezes over?
What do?
Seeking for a good advice? What's his name?
Quit asking for a shameless retcon by Bomkamp (the guy whose sci-fi movies have literally worsened with each new release) -- and then calling Scott the uncreative one.
However, I disagree with your views on the prolog bit. I felt "The Last Supper" was helpful in building the characters prior to seeing them plunge directly into the movie.
I agree with your summary Snikt, our scores are a little different lol but your comments are all on point. First 20-30 mins was interesting Sci-Fi but it reminded me more of Danny Boyle's sunshine than Scott's Alien movie (not a bad thing at all). But I already found myself questioning some points:8/10.
Great first act. I can't stress enough just how perfectly written the first 25-30 minutes are.
Second act was interesting but undeniably troubled.
Third act was ****.
Disappointing yet still valuable for its continued exploration of the Xenomorph and Engineer mythos.
*I would now much rather see Blomkamp's take on a sequel to Cameron's superb Aliens than watch another uninspired installment by the [past-his-prime] Ridley Scott.
Oh man, blackmask is a three dollar bill? I would have never guessed that.
Awesome post!
They told me they fixed Prometheus!
Eh, most of my posts are jokes and funny pictures. No regrets!I will try to post my Covenant gripes in smaller bite sized chunks from here out...
Man my post count is going to explode exponentially!