I kinda feel like Ridley might be lucasing the series with these prequels.

That he is.
Its a shame, because as The Martian clearly shows, Ridley can still make great movies. But he's never been consistent.
I kinda feel like Ridley might be lucasing the series with these prequels.
I still think that's only half the reason, if Ridley wanted he could've still followed the plot with David, but he went and gave us more "Alien", I also wonder if the studio forced his hand in some way, again; because the fans wanted more Alien. But, like Wor says, Scott has never been consistent to begin with so who knows.I still remember that Ridley's early plans was to have the movie deal with shaw. I remember the early interviews
They definitely wanted to use her more.
She definitely crapped everything for everyone
I still think that's only half the reason, if Ridley wanted he could've still followed the plot with David, but he went and gave us more "Alien", I also wonder if the studio forced his hand in some way, again; because the fans wanted more Alien. But, like Wor says, Scott has never been consistent to begin with so who knows.
I am more convinced than ever that, at concept level, Prometheus was the way to go, stay the **** away from the actual Xeno and tell your cosmic horror story about the gods that created us and wanted to destroy us, develop that, have the Xenomorph just be a distant tie, part of the same universe but not in every single story line, that would've made it more interesting.
Same goes for Predator, instead of explaining every single thing about Predators, like how now it turns out they get the skull and vertebrae for bone marrow and dna enhancement, not trophies.
**** it, Arthur C Clarke had it right, wrote 2001 and made every single sequel happen in an alternative universe, books aren't canon between each other.
The studios deliberately steered Ridley away from the whole "alien" thing in Prometheus. Otherwise it wouldn't be greenlit. The only reason we even got the deacon was because of fan backlash from the news we were getting about how the movie wasn't about the alien.
Interest was extremely high with Prometheus so the studios knew to cash in right away by rekindling the whole "alien" thing. Plus the whole battle between Scott and blomkomp pretty much sealed the deal that Scott was going to do exactly what the studios wanted. With this turd out of the way, hopefully the leash runs a little looser, and things might get saved.
like how now it turns out they get the skull and vertebrae for bone marrow and dna enhancement, not trophies
I may have to re-watch Prometheus, I'm thinking Covenant looked better, but admittedly I haven't watched Prometheus in a while, the one thing I do remember is that the Engineers in Covenant looked pretty bad, in Prometheus they looked like that David sculpture at the beginning of Covenant.
The only thing that this movie has going for it is that it doesn't have retarded and unjustifiable script moments like Prometheus, perhaps at the expense of more interesting themes exploration.
The more I think about it, the more I realize they barely did anything with the topics of Prometheus.
Well, I was invited to a second screening tomorrow, will watch Prometheus tonight like Rory suggested and see Covenant tomorrow.
if Ridley wanted ...
Prometheus ... was 10x better than this steaming pile.
Now its what Fox wanted. He was a hired hand. And it seems to show.
N-Nowhere...Huh!? Where is that from?
All the mythology, theology, philosophy that was set up in Prometheus was barely advanced in here if touched upon at all.Which topics would those be?
Lol no.
Scott had complete control on this movie. He's just old.
As I was thinking why David did what he did, I came across another possible answer that I was wondering about, I had for a while considered that the Xeno/Alien was a sort of death god, punishment god, black god etc etc, or not necessarily a "bad" god, just a god, but I couldn't quite reconcile the why, this dude made me think about something that I never thought and has always been in front of us from the very beginning of Prometheus, "if the Engineers made us, who made them?", so we fixated on the fact that they were trying to destroy us, hence this post:
Bear with the English, clearly not the dude's first language, not that I'm one to talk, but he noticed things that I didn't.
New here. I was never a feverish Alien fan like you guys. I like it, and I have re-watched it many times becoz I like those Bio-weapons / organisms themes, probably becoz I am a biologist too. But I got hooked on the Alien franchise becoz of Prometheus. The movie is bad in a way there are too many unfilled holes and its kind of all over the place. But at the same time there are lots of things they can follow up, and in a way, it is good for the Alien prequel/sequel franchise.
Anyway, I want to tell you guys my theory about the chains of order/hierarchy. I think it could cover many of the facts shown in the movie and the 'rumors' circling around. RS hinted that engineers did not create xeno/human. But it does not mean that human/xenon did not evolve from engineers. Humans and engineers have the same DNA, so it is safe to suggest that engineer is an ancestor of human, just like human evolve from apes but apes did not CREATE us.
My theory is that engineer/humanoids/humans are part of the life/evolution chain. Goo/black goo are the tools to evolve. Because we are all coming/evolving from the goo, we all share similar characteristics: to learn things, to reproduce, to dominate, to advance and eventually to play God. In each level of the hierarchy, say the engineers in Prometheus, that group will like to ultimately create (seeding life scene) coz they advance to a level that now they can access the goo and want to/can play God. It is these characteristics that cause the movement of the chain. So engineers play God and help "making/evolving" the humans. The chain is not linear; meaning that, says engineer may have modified and evolved a range of human/humanoids. They do that becoz of the impulse they inherit from the goo/black goo.
But this chain of the order has an ultimate purpose. That everytime two groups meet, there is a chance that an alien type of creature (neomorph/decon/protomorph/xenomorph..., etc.) will be born. This is the attempt to produce a perfect organism, i.e., The God-being. If that organism isn't perfect, as the killing machine the xenomorph is, those groups got destroyed by the creature itself. In this sense, alien creature is a "punishment" to those groups who fail to produce the perfect organism/god being.
So all life forms have the same purpose: to try to recreate the god-being. That's our purposes. And the chain of the order did not move like a written manual. It is only happening because of the trillions of life forms that form and that we all bear the same characteristic (from the goo) so the even the small probability thing will eventually (advancement of technology, to play god and the alien creature) happen.
But you can explore on that. Maybe you can argue that it is a loop. Perfect organism/ god-being-->humanoids xxth generations-->David or creature like david?--> god being. So at any one level in the hierarchy, you are the creation of someone and you are also the creator of someone else. There is no ultimate being or that the ultimate being is the black goo or the hierarchy itself. That can be a philosophical angle.
Or that you can say that the creation or evolution of human or any life form is a "life-cycle" of the ultimate being. That trillion of life forms are needed to be created, modified and destroyed in order to "maintain" the life cycle of the ultimate being. That is quite sinister to me.
What do you guys think? Maybe someone has the same idea before but I could not go through everything in the forum. If that is the case I am sorry!
TL;DR: The Engineers are also looking for God, or Godhood, each mutation is one step closer to Godhood, which means the Xeno is either a step closer to Godhood or it's punishment for a step backwards, so they weren't trying to "destroy" us, they were trying to advance the chain.
Now that's ****ing cosmic horror.
As I was thinking why David did what he did, I came across another possible answer that I was wondering about, I had for a while considered that the Xeno/Alien was a sort of death god, punishment god, black god etc etc, or not necessarily a "bad" god, just a god, but I couldn't quite reconcile the why, this dude made me think about something that I never thought and has always been in front of us from the very beginning of Prometheus, "if the Engineers made us, who made them?", so we fixated on the fact that they were trying to destroy us, hence this post:
Bear with the English, clearly not the dude's first language, not that I'm one to talk, but he noticed things that I didn't.
New here. I was never a feverish Alien fan like you guys. I like it, and I have re-watched it many times becoz I like those Bio-weapons / organisms themes, probably becoz I am a biologist too. But I got hooked on the Alien franchise becoz of Prometheus. The movie is bad in a way there are too many unfilled holes and its kind of all over the place. But at the same time there are lots of things they can follow up, and in a way, it is good for the Alien prequel/sequel franchise.
Anyway, I want to tell you guys my theory about the chains of order/hierarchy. I think it could cover many of the facts shown in the movie and the 'rumors' circling around. RS hinted that engineers did not create xeno/human. But it does not mean that human/xenon did not evolve from engineers. Humans and engineers have the same DNA, so it is safe to suggest that engineer is an ancestor of human, just like human evolve from apes but apes did not CREATE us.
My theory is that engineer/humanoids/humans are part of the life/evolution chain. Goo/black goo are the tools to evolve. Because we are all coming/evolving from the goo, we all share similar characteristics: to learn things, to reproduce, to dominate, to advance and eventually to play God. In each level of the hierarchy, say the engineers in Prometheus, that group will like to ultimately create (seeding life scene) coz they advance to a level that now they can access the goo and want to/can play God. It is these characteristics that cause the movement of the chain. So engineers play God and help "making/evolving" the humans. The chain is not linear; meaning that, says engineer may have modified and evolved a range of human/humanoids. They do that becoz of the impulse they inherit from the goo/black goo.
But this chain of the order has an ultimate purpose. That everytime two groups meet, there is a chance that an alien type of creature (neomorph/decon/protomorph/xenomorph..., etc.) will be born. This is the attempt to produce a perfect organism, i.e., The God-being. If that organism isn't perfect, as the killing machine the xenomorph is, those groups got destroyed by the creature itself. In this sense, alien creature is a "punishment" to those groups who fail to produce the perfect organism/god being.
So all life forms have the same purpose: to try to recreate the god-being. That's our purposes. And the chain of the order did not move like a written manual. It is only happening because of the trillions of life forms that form and that we all bear the same characteristic (from the goo) so the even the small probability thing will eventually (advancement of technology, to play god and the alien creature) happen.
But you can explore on that. Maybe you can argue that it is a loop. Perfect organism/ god-being-->humanoids xxth generations-->David or creature like david?--> god being. So at any one level in the hierarchy, you are the creation of someone and you are also the creator of someone else. There is no ultimate being or that the ultimate being is the black goo or the hierarchy itself. That can be a philosophical angle.
Or that you can say that the creation or evolution of human or any life form is a "life-cycle" of the ultimate being. That trillion of life forms are needed to be created, modified and destroyed in order to "maintain" the life cycle of the ultimate being. That is quite sinister to me.
What do you guys think? Maybe someone has the same idea before but I could not go through everything in the forum. If that is the case I am sorry!
TL;DR: The Engineers are also looking for God, or Godhood, each mutation is one step closer to Godhood, which means the Xeno is either a step closer to Godhood or it's punishment for a step backwards, so they weren't trying to "destroy" us, they were trying to advance the chain.
Now that's ****ing cosmic horror.