And Daniels did find her mangled body. I half expected Shaw's eyes to open, kind of surprised they didn't actually.
One thing that's cool about killing off Shaw is that it breaks the "hero immunity" rule even if it did happen between films. Surviving an encounter against those organisms should be the fluke of flukes and no one should get that lucky multiple times. Even Ripley surviving ALIENS strained the very limits of suspension of disbelief. At least Alien 3 didn't push that further.
So with the Xenomorphs no longer being an ancient species there's no possible way for AvP and AvP:R to fit into the timeline now is there?
I wonder if David created the eggs for the same reason Ledger Joker preferred to use a knife. The spores were quicker and more efficient but David doesn't get to savor all the little emotions that way.
At first he used the Engineer cannisters against them and sent spores that turned them all to ash. Instant death but no satisfaction in the process and nothing created. So he tampered with the spores to make them first burrow into your body and create the neomorph. Better, but the hosts still aren't aware they're being violated until after the burster starts to form and their senses get numbed as a result of the preliminary nausea. So that won't do either. Enter the eggs, and more importantly the facehuggers, David's "sperm." Now impregnation becomes a grand event in and of itself (just like with humans) in addition to the "birth." Finally his desire to both destroy and create gets mutually satisfied in a nightmarish combo that has the host fully aware of the initial impregnation and with full senses as his child emerges.
None of this puts Covenant anywhere close to ALIEN or ALIENS because of all the film's other shortcomings of course but it does elevate it above shlock with no redeeming value like the AvP movies.
Not only is AVP continuity destroyed,
But it ruins the AlIEN line of the " space jokey being fossilized "
The space jokey in ALIEN cannot longer be "fossilized" or be ancient anymore.
So ridley even destroyed his own movie
We dont know what effect the goo has on androids.
The jokey creature in ALIEN doesnt even resemble the engineer suit ( even the head is different)
So the goo could cause d to mutate into the space jokey
let's face it, at this juncture its either David or Walter in that chair
Ridley's gone senile. Making David the SJ is ****ing absurd.
Ridley's gone senile. Making David the SJ is ****ing absurd.
*In two months FOX will deem this a BO bomb and reactivate Blomkamp's Weaver-led Aliens: Awakening for a 2019 release.
Damn I guess they really ****ed **** up huh? I'm not a huge alien fan but I love the franchise and the XEno's so I guess this was made for people like me but for long time fans it seemed like it screwed up everything making some robot the creator.
Damn I guess they really ****ed **** up huh? I'm not a huge alien fan but I love the franchise and the XEno's so I guess this was made for people like me but for long time fans it seemed like it screwed up everything making some robot the creator.
Honestly I don't know who he made this movie for. OG Alien fans or Prometheus fans, or new reboot recruits. I think he failed on all fronts.
And Daniels did find her mangled body. I half expected Shaw's eyes to open, kind of surprised they didn't actually.
One thing that's cool about killing off Shaw is that it breaks the "hero immunity" rule even if it did happen between films. Surviving an encounter against those organisms should be the fluke of flukes and no one should get that lucky multiple times. Even Ripley surviving ALIENS strained the very limits of suspension of disbelief. At least Alien 3 didn't push that further.
So with the Xenomorphs no longer being an ancient species there's no possible way for AvP and AvP:R to fit into the timeline now is there?
I wonder if David created the eggs for the same reason Ledger Joker preferred to use a knife. The spores were quicker and more efficient but David doesn't get to savor all the little emotions that way.
At first he used the Engineer cannisters against them and sent spores that turned them all to ash. Instant death but no satisfaction in the process and nothing created. So he tampered with the spores to make them first burrow into your body and create the neomorph. Better, but the hosts still aren't aware they're being violated until after the burster starts to form and their senses get numbed as a result of the preliminary nausea. So that won't do either. Enter the eggs, and more importantly the facehuggers, David's "sperm." Now impregnation becomes a grand event in and of itself (just like with humans) in addition to the "birth." Finally his desire to both destroy and create gets mutually satisfied in a nightmarish combo that has the host fully aware of the initial impregnation and with full senses as his child emerges.
None of this puts Covenant anywhere close to ALIEN or ALIENS because of all the film's other shortcomings of course but it does elevate it above shlock with no redeeming value like the AvP movies.
I kinda hope this doesn't end the franchise. I'm hoping from blomkamps take. The concept art looked great and It'd be nice to see someone else's vision. District 9 was great.
I kinda hope this doesn't end the franchise. I'm hoping from blomkamps take. The concept art looked great and It'd be nice to see someone else's vision. District 9 was great.
old man hicks and ripley still fighting aliens.
old man hicks and ripley still fighting aliens.