And just to add to your spider phobia. As a fellow Irishman I was pretty happy that up until very recently there were no harmful spiders in Ireland. We are now over run with false widow spiders, their bite can leave a large decaying hole in your skin. Seriously they are everywhere. And you will only see them at night with a torch because they wait for darkness before they come out. I counted 15 of them in the garden last night and 5 inside the house. It's been covered up by the media as to how dangerous they can be.

Yes, very rushed. Facehugger takes five minutes to impregnate the dude, chestburster comes out soon after, takes another five minutes to become full size Xeno. Then they give us a Cliff's Notes version of the finales of both A3 and A1 without Daniels so much as breaking a sweat. The days of a single Xeno wiping out the entire cast are long gone.
I thought that was because Daniels (like the audience) had clearly seen Alien and Aliens at the cinema or something and that's why she immediately knew that the airlock was the tried and tested method
wait what do you mean covenant is supposed to be set in the same universe as those movies .... oh ok then maybe there was like a manual on board the ship with steps to follow in the event of third act emergency when a protobigchapmorph gets on board? ... wait this is a prequel to those movies but but but nothing makes sense anymore!
Yes I still like the movie in spite of it's flaws and "non-canon" status as well. But it's like they looked at TFA and said "I guess the best way to win old fans back is to just hit the same beats as the original film but with a more rushed finale." Yes Han looked at Starkiller Base and said "So how do we blow it up, there's always a way," compared to ANH when he considered an attack on a smaller base to be "suicide." But Han gets to say that because he had already helped blow up two of the stupid things already! A prequel with all new characters should never be going through the motions of hard fought victories achieved by characters that didn't even exist in the timeline yet.
Jeez it sounds terrible. Early buzz was positive but, as so often, it didn't last.