I wear black sunglasses now and then. Unfortunately I'm not strong enough to infiltrate governments like my man Nada. May he rest in peace...So you just do what they want you to?
I wear black sunglasses now and then. Unfortunately I'm not strong enough to infiltrate governments like my man Nada. May he rest in peace...So you just do what they want you to?
You guys are spoiling this movie for the rest of us. Your comments to the spoilers are transparent....
Also, when did we come to the point where movies should be ripped apart before anyone has even seen it? Everything is so damn negative these days...
People are even reading spoilers because it's better to be the first to complain than to be surprised in the cinema. Sad.
In regards to spoilers the trailer itself gives many things away.
I haven't been following the story spoilers for this movie but just from the trailer you can see:
Shaw's & David's crashed ship.
The new body bursting scene was shown when they should have kept that reveal for the movie.
The trailer shows sevaral deaths and even from them you can piece together who goes first.
They show two forms of alien(s)?
>trailer comes out
>awful sounding spoilers come out
>comment on the spoilers on their own basis
>y u no enjoy nothing guise? y u no turn your brain off?
Every. Single.Time.
Yeah, those spoilers are more common courtesy for those who are too shortsighted to see what's in the trailer already, but they complain anyway, what gives?
I'm not the one antagonizing people who have opinions.
Thanks for proving my point.
You guys are spoiling this movie for the rest of us. Your comments to the spoilers are transparent....
Also, when did we come to the point where movies should be ripped apart before anyone has even seen it? Everything is so damn negative these days...
People are even reading spoilers because it's better to be the first to complain than to be surprised in the cinema. Sad.
Thanks for lettin' us know what you were thinkin' we'd think about this trailer instead of tellin' us what you personally thought about it.
Bein' a series of prequels is what turns me off these films. And the fact that they're tryin' to be both horror and philosofical yet the end results are anything but scary and/or smart.cause ....well it's a new alien flick in the modern era with cg and stuff.