Prometheus Sequel (ALIEN: Covenant)

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i saw it once when i was young, and i can remember only bits and pieces. Like chrisrockbot...

It was generally just a poor idea all around. Since kubrick died, his film should've died with him.

It's not highly illogical, but for every alien race, in every book/film/etc to be like that, makes it boring in the end. The closest i can remember to an alien race being more "realistic" are the kree, with the feud between the pink and blue skins. Dune always seemed to go against that trope, but the whole saga is like, 12 books, each one of them 1k pages long, so i never found the time to read them.

As for our state, i don't really know what to think with the way the world is going, especially on the social issues. I can't say i'm liking all those weird manips of "this is what humans will look like in 100 years". I just caught a rundown of that new bill nye show, and it's worse than i expected, really. Like, it's bad. Worse than bad, actually. It's horrendous. The stuff 4chan joked about came true... It's pseudo-science for normies and redditors, coupled with sjw preaching.

I guess. But even in our world, while the west was inspired by the ancient greek/roman eras, the east had its own root civilizations and whatnot. It's possible that the engineers had just one grand race. We'll just have to wait and see, and hope this time the execution isn't as bad, 'cause the ideas are still good.

Ps: Marvel is doing a rebirth, right down to the one shot. No creators named, but that rumor that the a-listers are coming back broke around the same time, so i guess they'll get folks like hickman, remender and whatnot to return. Most of those guys don't have more than one or two books being publishing anyway, so they can squeeze some big two work (hickman pitched a legion book, but it was rejected for being too grim).

I expected nothing less from Bill "I'm not a real scientist" Nye, """science""" has become the atheist normie's God and they don't even understand it, they just quote it, like actual religion.

Nice, I look forward to it.

I think it's kinda funny the Kubric influence was limited to a handful of nods with barely similar photography.

To be honest, the fedora-tipping SCIENZXCE Dudebros have destroyed the word "science" for me. I can't even say it at this point, as images of neckbeards with Richard Dawkins and Isaac Asimov quotes chanting BILL! BILL! flash before my eyes. They read the most basic stuff, written in a "wink-wink, yer so smart lad" format, and act like they're damn Nobel-Winners.

At least with religious nuts, they go all "it's magic, I ain't gotta explain ****". SCIENZXCE Dudebros go all "SCIENXZCE" and don't bother to even make sense. It's as if the only science they've been exposed to is high school physics, and they can't grasp the fact that the two "corners" could meet...

Here's the breakdown of Nye's Show's Episodes:

Ep. 1 is Climate change
Ep. 2 is Homeopathic medicines
Ep. 3 is Artificial Intelligence and mentions "twitterbots gone rogue" in reference to Tay I believe (RIP)
Ep. 4 is GMO's and Monsanto
Ep. 5 is Panspermia and aliens ft. Will Whedon
Ep. 6 is Vaccines and anti-Vaxxers
Ep. 7 is video game technology
Ep. 8 is nutrition and fad diets
Ep. 9 is "The Sexual Spectrum"
Ep. 10 is about space travel
Ep. 11 is psuedoscience and conspiracy theroies such as crop circles, chem trails and probably flat Earthers
Ep. 12 is about IVF and designers babies
Ep. 13 is about tackling world overpopulation by empowering women ft. womyn comedian Joanna Hausmann

He explains sex and gender with a damn abacus. The word cis flashes in your screen...


This is real...


A fashion model is a co-host...


Ah, gotta love (((science))) bro. Now let me put on Rick & Morty on the tv, wear my fedora, trim my neckbeard, drink some mountain dew and go ridicule theists on boards 'cause now I knowz of everythingz!

Normies have ruined Comic Books, Nerd Culture and now they're even ruining science... Dunno how, but... People were afraid of 1984, but "Brave New World" seems more in line with what's happening now...

Honestly, I'm not expecting much, as they're still trying to push characters like Ameica "Holy Menstruation" Chavez. I'm just hoping for a Hickman Iron Man book, Doom to be around, and Moon Knight not to go back to Bendis (he's getting primed for that NF show, so you know they're gonna try something like that). Everything else is icing on the cake. I'm more excited about King's New Gods project TBH.

They love science yet bring them a statistic that seems sexist, racist or politically incorrect and theyll start crying and denying it... if anything they get triggered with science or studies that they deem innapropriate. Kinda ridiculous that the people getting offended at stuff were the ones holding a walk for science.