I'm not even sure what a "normie" would be when its defined by Gaspar.
I'm not even sure what a "normie" would be when its defined by Gaspar.
I go by the official definition.
which is...?
I can't wait for this.
Bill Nye not a science guy! Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill!
The guy is a complete crackpot. I can't believe anyone puts any credence in a stand up comic that had a show in the 90s who only has knowledge of engineering... but somehow is in a position lecturing the world about climate change.
I've seen Independence Day a bunch of times... does that qualify me to lecture the world about extraterrestrial intelligence? Yes. Yes it does.
Jeez Snake, why are you so against (((science)))? Are you a braindead Southern Baptist or somethin'? Is that what you are? Put on some Rick & Morty, then watch some Bill! Bill! Bill! and you'll be on the right track. Stop being such a close-minded and bigoted *******. It's just not worht it. Come along and join the rest of us in E U P H O R I A. For we know the truth: Everyone who's happy is a mindless drone, nothing matters, but suicide is like, boring, so we can freely waste our lives on Reddit posting "I ****ING LOVE SCIENZXCE" memes.
Bill and Neil can guide you. They're the Newtons and Descrates of our generation, and it's truly a shame you just can't see that...
Oh, and lest I forget... MY **** HAS ITS OWN VOICE, AND MY SEX JUNK IS SO FUNK!
the same people that are so into SCIENCEZ are the same ones that think there's 80 genders.
It's easier to spot them. The same people who are into SCIENZXCE are the ones who can't compute the derivative of a function or do an experiment with a natural pendulum. They just like flashy lights, complex words and out-of-context (((nihilism))) quotes. It's sad, really.
Like Richard Dawkins? I like the guy and think he's brilliant, but *******, you're an Atheist... WE HEARD YOU.
Well, Dawkings' book isn't really about Nihilism per se, just a general worldview. Regardless, the average Fedora-Wearing Neckbeard just spouts **** from True Detective Season 1, posts stuff like "the Joker was right all along" and mentions atheism 24/7. Like, not even agnosticism, deism or whatever, it's atheism or bust! Which is okay, the first time. But the 2506066969960069600th, well...
My favourite part though, is when they try to explain the theory of evolution. They basically go into an all-caps rant, while believing that the ToE basically means that the biggest, meanest mother****er is the one that survives and thrives. Which is so damn wrong, Pokemon is more trustworthy. The best part is, they think they're the big bad wolves with the 15" **** and 200+ IQ. It's truly pathetic... Oh, and lest we forget the always relevant "all those theists who did science stuff were atheists, pretending to be theists so that the church wouldn't kill them".
It's sad, really. And there are places worse than Reddit or 9gag. There's a forum called "intjforums", which is named after the MBTI type. That's a place where every self-righteous wacko with an ego bigger than a comic book supervillain's is free to jerk off to his/her own greatness, while spouting some philosophical gibberish of his/her own creation, and pretend he/she's the modern DaVinci. Not to mention the contrarians...
It's really become irritating the last few years, because this trope is being reinforced through every kind of fiction, and presented as the dieal, and thus gives birth to more of these annoying bastards. They're not scientists, they're not artists, they're nothing at all, but look down on everyone.
I remember I went ''militant'' with my atheism back in college (of course) - it manifested by me putting graffiti in the toilets like a sad bastard and replying to some letter in the college newspaper. Embarrassing when I think back.
Nowadays, yes I'm still an atheist and that's not going to change, but there's rarely any need to talk about it.
I just make mention of Dawkins since he's got such a hard on how much he believes were in a godless existence. Like, shut your yap already. He was friends with Christopher Hitchens and at least he didn't try to cram it up everyone's ass. Although he made his stance on it very known, his issue was more about the religions themselves.
Were on the same wavelength on opinions of these self-fellating neckbeards though. I've never once went to the I ****ing Love Science Reddit, and I never will. It's the same turds that probably post in IMGUR's comment section. Another cesspool of uber science fans that are fans in name only, and know nothing about it.
Either way, people on the net, and pretty much IRL, have forgotten balance. You can be in favor of equal rights without believing in 506 genders. You can be a(a)theist and still be kind/smart. You can like both Batman and Iron Man. I get why folks feel comfortable in like-minded groups that spend their time ridiculing the opposing one, but ****'s gotten old.
People are too quick to write other people off.