GTFO Rory. We don't serve your kind here!
People are too quick to write other people off.
Im not sure whats our there as far as god or whatever, but i dont think i could ever be fully atheist. There has been too many weird things for there not to be something bigger than us. Maybe there are different gods, maybe they have different levels of power, maybe our universe is like a computer Program or a game, maybe there is someone at the other end. I just have a feeling that theres something else there. This election alone... there were definitely outside forces at play. Chaotic forces.
**** both 'em. Join the church of... DOOM!
can he even fit that through his mailbox slot on his mask?
...Maybe. The "mailbox" probably "opens". I mean, he likes having fancy diners:
Plus, he gives away his desserts to peasants! Blessed be His name!
DOOM is a master of many things! Even cutesy internet sensations! For DOOM is the master of every art, every science... EVERYTHING!
I guess it would have to open. It always looks static to me like it's all one structure.
Doom is in there as being one of the best designed villains ever IMO.
I was seriously tempted by the PF. Why does he wear the iron mask? I'm pretty vaguely familiar with the lore of Doom.
The PF has a design more similar to the books. That was the Legendary Scale statue. As for the mask, well, the gist of it is this:
Doom's mom sold her soul to save her people from the evil Baron of Latveria, but her spell backfired, she killed all of the local village's kids, and the Latverians killed her. When Doom's father died (Baron ****ery), he turned to her magic books and vowed to save her. He got a scholarship to the US, and tried to make a machine to enter Hell and save her. Reed noticed some decimals were off, but Vic was all "REEEEEEEEEEEE", so the machine blew up in his face. Then he got expelled, got into some trouble, ended up in the Himalayas, and got that mask put on.
As for what he looks like underneath it, comics vary. More often than not it's implied he's all burned up, but sometimes it's made explicit that it's just a teeny tiny scar. Doom's ego is such though, that even that little bit of imperfection is too much. Other times it's just self-imposed punishment for his mistake. Because he blames Richards, but he knows he ****ed up.
Doom can go from one of comic-dom's most complex characters to one of the most basic, really, and that's on the writers. It's why Doombots are a thing. Every time Doom doesn't act like the writers wants him to, he retcons the previous appearance as a malfunctioning Doombot. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. Mainly because some demonize him, and others turn him into a saint.
As for me, I prefer him as an anti-villain. He wants to save the world, but he has negative qualities. He's petty and jealous. He's a bit sexist and racist/xenophobic/nationalistic to a degree. He's brilliant, but he stretches himself too thin, and so he's always second best. He's the second best sorcerer, engineer, scientist, etc. But at the same time, turning him into Stalin (shoot the first man who stops clapping) ain't the way to go. A depiction out of a Shakesperean play or a Greek Tragedy is my preffered version.
Plus, how can you not love a guy who daydreams about keeping Lady!Loki and Emma Frost as sex slaves?!
What i read was that his scar was small but when they his mask in the Himalayas the metal was still hot but he didnt want to wait and he put the burning metal mask on his face
Further burning and scarring his face much more
Like I said, it depends. That was the case when FF Annual #2 hit. Books of Doom retconned that. Secret Wars brought that back. Most books have him with the ****ed up head. But I prefer the small scar theory. I'd add another layer, in that he wants to become a symbol, and a normal man can't be that. I got that flash while watching Black Sails, what with all of Captain Flint's minologues and all... Actually, Toby Stephens would make a mean Doom. Give him brown lenses and dye his hair, and he's perfect.
What happened with his mama? Did he get to go to hell and save her?