Seriously. Every day that goes by I regret not getting their Altair. Managed to grab the Ezio before it sold out. It's hood has issues but compared to what PureGarb is putting out, it's was the deal of the century at only $230I would have been in at like $150-170. Not $370 lol what a joke. Hope they fix that sculpt. We need Damtoys back.
Looks like if Desmond was in Team America
Exactly ...why would I want a Desmond figure? Oh look its the guy that I played in a few intermission scenes that kept interrupting the historical story, across 3 games and then they killed him off and almost erased his storyline entirely in order to make it an ongoing series.Considering how Ubi butchered Desmond's story, I wouldn't even want a 1/6 version of him. I always thought the Desmond story would eventually escalate (as gaming tech got better) to where we would be scouring city skyscraper roof tops with him, offing the templars in their high class tower suites in a solo game some day as a full fledged assassin. But nope!
Still pisses me off when I think about it. lol
Thats what I eventually did when I got my V figure from them.View attachment 607151View attachment 607152
PureArts is the true definition of “mid.” I received their Dragonborn figure last week and it’s lacking in every way. Tomato splatter paint job on the arms, terrible body, no weathering on the gauntlets/boots even though they’re from the same armor set as the helmet he’s wearing. And the fur is completely out of control. Didn’t take me more than an hour before completely deconstructing the figure and completely mod it to look somewhat salvageable, just waiting on a body.
For this price point it’s almost criminal, I say stay away or wait for it to hit 30% off on Sideshow when it releases in 2 years.
Nope.This is the prototype... if they choose a good china factory (damtoys used the same that use hot toys) it can turn out good.
If they use the same factory that thirdy party company use the figure turn out trash and should cost 160 $ like redman
I mean the prototype didn't look good and you still bought it anywayView attachment 607151View attachment 607152
PureArts is the true definition of “mid.” I received their Dragonborn figure last week and it’s lacking in every way. Tomato splatter paint job on the arms, terrible body, no weathering on the gauntlets/boots even though they’re from the same armor set as the helmet he’s wearing. And the fur is completely out of control. Didn’t take me more than an hour before completely deconstructing the figure and completely mod it to look somewhat salvageable, just waiting on a body.
For this price point it’s almost criminal, I say stay away or wait for it to hit 30% off on Sideshow when it releases in 2 years.