Agreed. TWOK's 35th anniversary has come and gone. And I hate that real hair on Khan. Sorry but when I see the QMX booth I feel nothing because I know the majority will be there again in a year with no release.
Sorry, but it's hard to get excited about seeing the same figures time and again, particularly when the number of Trek prototypes actually being shown seems to be shrinking, and when even the oldest of the prototypes are displayed yet again with ETA: TBD on their information cards.
Might be an attempt to get more interest in Asian markets. Nanjin's no fool. I'm sure a Georgiou would sell well for those looking to make a Yeoh custom of some sort.
That doesn't make sense either. If the Asian market is buying them to make a Yeoh custom, how does that help the line overall? Asia may have good sales on that one figure, but they wont be interested in the rest of the line if that is their only reason for buying it.
Trek fans may of may not be interested in her, Discovery isn't the most beloved series, and they are starting that line with a character that isn't a main character. It would be like starting the TOS line with Chapel or Riley.
Its a cool looking figure but I haven't even been able to watch Discovery yet as I don't have that streaming service and its not on Netflix in America. Good for those who want her but her before some of the other females is kinda weird. Then again if I'd seen the show maybe I'd think differently?
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Yeah BUT if those initial sales (for Yeohs) pay for all the R&D and setup for making Discovery uniforms, then wouldn't it make it easier to release other Discovery figures? At least Burnham, anyway, since they have similar body types. I assumed (perhaps incorrectly?) that there was a reason Sulu was made so soon in the Mezco line as well. And maybe then that would possibly get more fans of QMx's products, or at least get more notice over there. But maybe I'm reading too much into it.
The only ray of hope here is the Q&A that's supposedly forthcoming. I hope it'll have *SOMETHING* to say other than marketing rhetoric.
But Discovery is Star Trek for millennials, no?I’ve never watched Discovery, but I have to get Michele Yeoh. Been a fan of hers for 30 years. Not everything has to be geared toward Millenials.
know what's not a go? That battlestar Galactica Adama figure apparently. Nanjin mentenioed something about it on his facebook earlier. I think he was just given that news cause he was pretty positive about it a few days ago.