If they have skipped over Burnham, Saru and Lorca, all of whom I'd happily buy, and are just doing Georgiou (who I personally have zero interest in) as their first Discovery release then I have to say I'm heartily disappointed, and somewhat baffled, by the choice. I mean she was only in, what? Half the episodes. And in this guise, significantly less than that...
Oh well, at least the outfit looks pretty good. And it's cool news for anyone who really wanted a Georgiou (if it gets released), I guess. Meanwhile, I'll just keep waiting for Scotty, I suppose...![]()
I don't understand. Of all the females in Trek their first one is not even on of the main female characters? Uhuru, Crusher, Troi, Dax, Janeway, 7of9, Burnham. Any of those would of been a better choice, and probably sell better then Georgiou, IMO.
I can only say this.
I can develop and produce Any Trek Figures.
I have Uhura at work, I have 7, I have TPol, I have Sisko, I have Jadzia, I have a partially done Janeway, I have TMP Kirk, I have ST6 Kirk, I have partial Archer, I have a special Picard, I have Dr Crushed, The only character that I hardly think about is Chekhov [emoji6] (these are less than half of what I have been doing)
....and I have tiny voice at work.
Sorry, guys, those who know me all these years know what I wanted to do...and they should know...
I have been and always try to deliver these Trek Figures to the friends.
I am doing what I can.
我從使用 Tapatalk 的 EVA-AL00 發送
I can only say this.
I can develop and produce Any Trek Figures.
I have Uhura at work, I have 7, I have TPol, I have Sisko, I have Jadzia, I have a partially done Janeway, I have TMP Kirk, I have ST6 Kirk, I have partial Archer, I have a special Picard, I have Dr Crushed, The only character that I hardly think about is Chekhov [emoji6] (these are less than half of what I have been doing)
....and I have tiny voice at work.
Sorry, guys, those who know me all these years know what I wanted to do...and they should know...
I have been and always try to deliver these Trek Figures to the friends.
I am doing what I can.
我從使用 Tapatalk 的 EVA-AL00 發送
Nope, only Original Series figures have been released so far - Kirk, Spock, Bones, Khan and the Command Chair. Sorry plus Picard from TNG.I’ve not collected anything other then hot toys and the occasional figure here or there so I don’t know a ton about what’s been teased or shown or confirmed so forgive me if this is a silly question...have they done the Kelvin timeline figures yet?
I can only say this.
I can develop and produce Any Trek Figures.
I have Uhura at work, I have 7, I have TPol, I have Sisko, I have Jadzia, I have a partially done Janeway, I have TMP Kirk, I have ST6 Kirk, I have partial Archer, I have a special Picard, I have Dr Crushed, The only character that I hardly think about is Chekhov [emoji6] (these are less than half of what I have been doing)
....and I have tiny voice at work.
Sorry, guys, those who know me all these years know what I wanted to do...and they should know...
I have been and always try to deliver these Trek Figures to the friends.
I am doing what I can.
我從使用 Tapatalk 的 EVA-AL00 發送
From what I can tell, QmX isn't a massive operation, and so they need to be more deliberate out of necessity. While collectors will always be frustrated when they don't get what they want when they want it, this isn't Hot Toys (which itself pisses many collectors off, of course). I bet many more figures would be well on the way if the decision-makers at QmX had it their way. But if they are continually showing things off, it only stands to reason that they hope to release them at some point. The hottest potential release on their horizon is Pennywise, and they missed the boat pretty significantly with getting it released in time for the first film. I suspect they are scrambling to get it out before the sequel hits. But if that's their priority and it takes this long to come out, you can understand the more methodical pace of Star Trek releases.