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I spoke to Dave at the con. The Firefly figures will need some type of media tie-in to move the line forward. It’s not cancelled but no immediate plans to release anything new.
TNG - Far less popular than TOS. Sales have confirmed that fact. QMx is evaluating their planned releases. Will still come out but probably not at a steady tick (my take from the conversation).
TOS - the real reason I was even there. I bet the farm on Mezco because they looked pretty good, were cheaper/took up less space and Mez looked to be dedicated to going at least Bridge Crew deep. Boy was I wrong. Mez is likely done based on IG DMs with them. So I decided to put my money on QMx. To my dismay, I’ve missed the boat on Kirk and Spock apparently. Hence the discussion with Dave. I explained that in order for me to go in with Bones, Sulu or Scotty and Uhura, I need Kirk & Spock. He explained that they were looking at exactly that same issue. They are aware of the high secondary (fleebay) prices and are looking at how to get the big two in everyone’s hand to support the sales of the remaining crew. Perhaps Mirror Mirror or dress uni’s or a two pack or something. But they are aware of the limiting nature of the big two no longer being available. This is also when we were told how much more robust Kirks sales were compared to Picards.
Also, they are looking at their release schedule and strategy. This may lead to releasing similar to what someone mentioned with the TOS leading the charge and the other series to follow.
That being said, anyone have a Kirk and Spock they want to get rid of?
Thanks for the update.
It's something to pin our hopes on.
Just have to be patient - at least they'll be worth waiting for.
I feel like we're on the cusp of good news. Nanjin teased DS9 figures again and there's a trek vegas con thing on August 1st where QMX are gonna do a presentation on their figures. What I think is gonna happen is that at comic con, we'll probably see 1 or 2 new figures, some of the ones we always see as well and then in August, I bet we get some kind of major announcement about how the line will proceed and how frequently we'll get characters, etc. I know I haven't given up on the line. I love my Kirk, Spock and Picard and could never part with them. I just want some more crewman for them to pose with.
Nanjin touched on this in a Facebook post.
Nanjin Tam I will be holding a Trek 1/6 panel at Vegas Trek Con. I believe an official road map will be announced by then.