I get what you mean but to understand and truly appreciate these sets for what they are, you can't base the whole value on the level of likeness. Do you think HT always hits it out of the park? In reality if you tallied up all of HT hits compared to their misses you'd be look at around a 60/40 ratio. And when they do hit I don't really feel like it's ever a TOTAL grand slam. What did they ever give us that's pure perfection? DX08 Joker? Wayne? Stark? Their best IMO isn't better than Blitzway's Carlito or Enterbay's Jordan & Agent K. Likeness is very important, no doubt but you have to look past that at what the entire set is made of to properly judge.
A set like Bickle is the epitome of what customs are all about. Where on Earth are you going to find a 1/6 nickel-plated snub nose .38 with pearl grips on the market. Or how about that hand-cannon of a .44 beast? Those guns themselves are near impossible to find, much less top quality casts with top quality paint in the accurate colors. That arm-slide and those gun rigs are the very definition of custom. That belt buckle is a work of art in and of itself. Hand crafted, real silver and super accurate???!!! Come on man!!! What do you think HT's version of that would look like? That crappy thing that doesn't want to close that we got in the original Wolverine set? It goes without saying that the outfit & boots are completely custom and can't be found to the same level of accuracy nor quality anywhere on the market.
As far as comparing RM to Iminime... I think that you're basing your judgment primarily on pictures. Take it from someone who has a fair amount from each producer, Iminime pieces aren't on Rainman's level. I say that with the utmost respect to Denny; I have nothing but love for him and I've been an Iminime supporter from their very start (and of course I will continue to be) but quite honestly it's the truth. I won't make an item by item comparisons between the two products because there's no way for me to do that without sounding like I'm picking Iminime apart, but there are differences on
multiple levels. The early Iminime stuff can’t even be compared to RM’s (and understandably so because they were just starting out), but now that they’ve gotten past their growing pains for the most part, the only set that I can say is somewhat close to RM’s quality is Bateman (and I’m not being biased

). As fantastic as Bateman is he’s extremely close, but still not 1000% on par with what we’ve come to expect from a RM set. I’d say Blondie is up there but the two parts of the set that make it most interesting didn’t even come from Iminime (Trev’s sculpt and Battlegear’s gun belt).
No one here is saying that RM is the best sculptor in the world, or he's a perfect person and can do no wrong, but he's earned his spot in the top tier of the customs world for very good reasons