there is a half truth in what you say i think RM could have gone a different route before sending the headsculpt to the caster and start the production of the heads before actually showing the final headsculpt??...yes....specially when money is to be exchanged for that said product...having worked at a known comicbook company merchandising NYC many years ago, one of the processes that was often scrutinized was the approval of whatever product was presented by sculptors and other vendors that were going to be sold to the public...this was an important step because it dictated what you (the consumer) would be buying... my mistake in all this was liking the process that RM uses and the one that would ultimately provide the consumer a better product in the end...
having realized that early with PF set...i started to wise up that i don't have to buy this....a trend would follow that if i don't buy then the creator (RM) gets an idea that me (as a consumer) am not happy with said here comes the problem that i state is THE problem....if an consumer is not happy.....he doesn't have to buy...if he doesn't buy that said product....then the company (RM) looks internally and makes the necessary changes they have to do to improve their overall product (whatever the problem may be)...and here is the fundemental part that you state we differ on...for whatever are looking from the point of view of the artist, so if someone asks/tells you to go back and try better, yes you feel offended and feel like you did your best...where as i look at it strictly from a business POV...and again thats my fault to likening to the process in which i used to work in with because it allows me to break down the process and see where this could have been avoided...but since this is only for a run of 30-60 figures/sets...i realize that i may have been too hard...but it doesn't change that I,me, myself think that RMs process for presenting something to the masses for 1000+ in funds, is flawed....going back to what Kara mentioned about RM inconsitencies....thats the other part where i think we differ on because if you can nail a likeness in other characters having the same input...why can't it be done in this or the opther last three offered sets....and i always go back to the part where he has already sent off the headsculpt into production, i can only imagine it cost him extra money to change up the Jules after having sent it to be cast and then showing that the heads where the ones that were not modified...maybe he understood that he may have taken a hit...i don't the end...i practice what i say...because i believe in it....its not personal....its all business...i'm sure he is a great guy...but truth of the matter is... i don't know him but what i do know is that he is asking or trying to sell an item that he requested input in during the early stages for which i was prepared to buy...not anymore...but hey...i do wish him the best in this offering...truly i do