Rainman Artwork 2013 Pulp Fiction Project 2- Jules the Shepard

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You make a lot of great points Levit and you are totally right man. I think this is why I've been more vocal about it, though it might seem hypocritical because i LITERALLY just said above what your very logical and justified main critique is in a way I sort of risked my standing with Rainman by being overly vocal about this release in a way that hopefully improves it in the end.

Rainman is a gentleman and a consummate professional but there is a language barrier which could prompt misunderstanding and having guys who are not the point persons deliver critique might feel a bit aggressive. Rainman has been generous with me I've had lost things in the mail he replaced, I was graciously awarded an Anton from the photo contest to which he replaced a missing outfit set for as well. I will continue to buy his amazing works of art. I don't want to be a burden to him because i am greatly appreciative of his efforts and think there is an amazing amount of passion. talent and craft in what he does.

I support rainman but have to desire to be a point person, especially since I art direct professionally I'm afraid i might naturally overstep my bounds. I can't turn it off and will always perfect EVERYTHING until I run out of time and/or money :( It's a blessing and a curse. I would rather try and influence from the peanut gallery but I felt compelled to intervene a bit more directly here, especially since the point persons had other obligations and lives of their own to convey the feedback before the PO took place, may have been personally satisfied with the piece when I was not, or they or all of us as you suggest, may have just gotten comfortable with not questioning the releases (not saying it's specifically those reasons or any one of them and that's not a critique, we have some of the best guys in the community graciously volunteering their time to be point persons and they are doing a great job).

My main takeaway from this rant is to say that I really agree with you, I think the healthiest thing would be to offer the WIP more frequently to the peanut gallery, collective opinion can be a ***** because you cant please everyone but you can definitely make strides to appease the masses and at the very least there's less room for disappointment. This has to be a joint effort on both rainman and the point person's effort. The point person is the liaison, the project manager, the art director etc. But the masses on the forum is the bulk of the customer and at the end the artist serves the customer. The thing is though that we have a great group of guys who are passionate about the work and we all are very respectful and tactful, I have no doubt that the core RM groupies will be able to offer feedback to make the product better along the way that will have us all standing back, including rainman and his team and saying "wow" this is truly something special and it surpassed our expectations.

I'm big on collaboration, it can be muddy with different perspectives and strong opinions disagreeing but it's great practice in diplomacy to decipher through all of the various opinions and try and peace together a product that will please more than it will disappoint.
You are correct Levit05, But the 10 or 20 on this forum who say - lets not buy as quality and value is slipping, there would still be x 50 + who will buy it.... But yes, at least we can make our voices heard, even if to no effect, RM will know support will drop if figures are continued to be pumped out and rushed like PF...

i thing he can handle 3 or 4 a year - best for quality and time to get it right...

dude wants to make as much money as he can, I get it, but at $800+ a pop... It needs to be pretty accurate for a fan of a figure to buy - in theory anyway!:dunno
Bull****. If you don't like his work then don't buy it. If you want to offer criticisms on how he could improve, great. But don't come on here and say he owes us these corrections. He does not owe anything to anyone other then delivery on a product that looks like what he has posted. If you hold a particular character high and mighty and you don't like what he is offering then don't ****ing buy it. I would be really happy for some of these perfect vision collectors to offer up some of your own products and lets discuss how much better we think you should do to honor the glorious buyer.
A follow up to my last post, I think a lot of us have gotten comfortable with not rocking the boat. And that's because we have respect and tact. I think Vince flew under the radar. I don't think I posted once in the thread and keep in mind PF was the movie I lobbied hardest to get made. I was disappointed but bit my tongue. Many were satisfied with the outcome, there was very little negative feedback and it's only now we are hearing people admit they were let down (not saying all were let down and that Vince does not have his strong points either because he really does).

I don't want these threads to turn into a mess and I don't want RM getting discouraged. All I can ask is that we continue to offer feedback, gently but that we see more WIP photos along the way, that sort of act as phases of approval. Denny needs to abide by this too, showing one point person will not suffice. Even the most passionate die hard fans of the subject with great eyes will miss points of detail if they are the only ones seeing the product.
Bull****. If you don't like his work then don't buy it. If you want to offer criticisms on how he could improve, great. But don't come on here and say he owes us these corrections. He does not owe anything to anyone other then delivery on a product that looks like what he has posted. If you hold a particular character high and mighty and you don't like what he is offering then don't ****ing buy it. I would be really happy for some of these perfect vision collectors to offer up some of your own products and lets discuss how much better we think you should do to honor the glorious buyer.


I have to support this.^^^

Aaaaand I'm very happy with my FS Vince. I just love that thing.
Bull****. If you don't like his work then don't buy it. If you want to offer criticisms on how he could improve, great. But don't come on here and say he owes us these corrections. He does not owe anything to anyone other then delivery on a product that looks like what he has posted. If you hold a particular character high and mighty and you don't like what he is offering then don't ****ing buy it. I would be really happy for some of these perfect vision collectors to offer up some of your own products and lets discuss how much better we think you should do to honor the glorious buyer.


I am extremely happy with Vince and anxiously await Jules!
I think you are right on the money Levit. He does fairly hum-drum releases of guys in suits that some folk apparently take real issue with, and they still seem to be doing extremely well (all the full sets sold out extremely quickly, anyway, though I'm confident all the other sets will sell out too DESPITE their being tailored to more expensive/difficult to find bodies).

Personally, I like Jules. I like the sculpt. So I'm happy to buy despite the fact that it isn't perfect. But I'm not shelling out $850 for it. And if I did have really serious reservations then I wouldn't send him the $500 or so for the head/outfit sets. That's why I passed on Pee-Wee (a character I really love). I haven't seen very many truly perfect figures in existence, Rainman's work included. A Bill or Dude aren't gonna be made every time out. Just like every Hot Toys figure isn't gonna be their T1 T-800 or Chris Reeve Superman. So I don't set up those expectations.
I think RM respects us enough as customers to listen to our criticism and/or praise, as much as we respect him as an artist... We (and lots more I'm sure) are the ones buying from him and keeping money in his pockets. If you put out customs that only make 'you - the artist' happy, I'm sure those pockets would be empty very quickly...

The whole "if you don't like it, don't buy it" thing doesn't really work for anyone...
I don't want these threads to turn into a mess. . .
Turn into a mess? I don't know a time when Rainman threads weren't a huge mess! :lol

My first real experience was the Dude, and there was a huge issue there with the edition size, and some VIPs demanding that he not increase it because they apparently signed some sacred agreement by pre-ordering that the edition size would remain at 25 or whatever. Something comes up with nearly every single release. This guy's work just breeds drama of various kinds. I don't think that's ever gonna change.
Robbie also makes some VERY good points in his last post as well. We often have to keep in mind, as Rainman suggested that he is still TRYING his best. I think that's where the disappointment comes in on his end and I feel like I know that about him especially since he is respectful and incorporates feedback I don't want to and have never suggested that he rushed the sets and I think it's unfair of us to say he did not try his best. Sometimes you do all you can and you're constructed to ability, time and budget.

I look at some of the Denny threads, people lobbied for changes and he went back and addressed, in most cases improvements were made, in others they were not, I believe this is based on ability and when that happens as Robbie said the buyers is not really owed anything,you respect the product for what it is and choose to buy it or not to buy it. The artist has tried his best to incorporate feedback and you have to respect that.

At the end everything is subjective and what people determine as good will never be universal anyway. You have to draw the line somewhere.
Frankly, I think some of these suggestions, no matter how tactful you may attempt to be, are necessarily going to be offensive to the artist. You are suggesting that he is unable to properly capture a likeness (so he either doesn't have the eye for it or doesn't have the skill), doesn't know how to run his business, or "rushes" things, putting out half-assed work. No matter which way you spin it, it's got to be hard for an artist to take. He obviously does make concessions, but unlike Denny Kim, Rainman doesn't ask overtly ask folks here to critique and judge.
The whole "if you don't like it, don't buy it" thing doesn't really work for anyone...

I have to say in principal I do agree with this, but as many suggested RM sets usually all sell out anyways despite the flaws.

My personal moral of the story I guess is a bit of a blend of the two philosophies, and ultimately FIGHT for what you believe in, wring or right subjective or not make your voice heard.

The only thing i keep harping on here and my only real critique is to the formula, showing WIP stuff will minimize disappointment and surprise, this is the only way I feel like things are rushed. Not that the efforts are rushed... It's like wait just a sec here lets stand back. Take it all in, sleep on it, fresh eyes, before we get the casters rolling and those sewing machines a'sewing... are we happy here? Can we improve on anything? if not it's all good, if the artist doesn't agree with the feedback? by all means release as is. But maybe an oversight can be caught, a fresh perspective can offer general improvement.

At the end of the day you can't please every one, every artist needs that thick skin, in a way they are doing art for themselves even if it;s to make a living, it's how you compartmentalize and keep yourself sane (or just the healthy amount of INsane in order to do great work!)

Most of the successful artists I know have the right balance of stand up for your vision and conviction to be a true visionary but a the same time they find a way to sell it baby, sell it! Sell your name, sell your brand and trail blaze with your talent. IMO Rainman has all of those ingredients.
Bull****. If you don't like his work then don't buy it. If you want to offer criticisms on how he could improve, great. But don't come on here and say he owes us these corrections. He does not owe anything to anyone other then delivery on a product that looks like what he has posted. If you hold a particular character high and mighty and you don't like what he is offering then don't ****ing buy it. I would be really happy for some of these perfect vision collectors to offer up some of your own products and lets discuss how much better we think you should do to honor the glorious buyer.

Tell him how you really feel Rob :monkey1 :lol
More mindless Ray ranting... please feel free not to read any of this rambling lol...

More on my perspective of seeing both sides, I feel like I have the luxury of understanding both sides as my line of work is odd because i produce art all the time, and I also direct art. At the end of the day I always answer to someone. and with the art I direct i still have to own in and put my brand or seal of approval on it, you present to someone, a client, a boss or a customer and it's like walking into a room naked waiting to have people point out all your flaws. They love it it's the greatest feeling in the world, it's a high... they don't well then you walk away down no matter what. And one of two things happen, you take the feedback, it ends up making the thing way better and it's a win win, or you say screw it I disagree and I'm happy with my efforts and those people are morons.

In my line of work specifically there an added third element of variance, you can swallow your pride and cater to the client against your better judgement just to keep your business afloat. Or you could go all Don Draper and say "if you want crap work I wont be giving it to you jaguar! I have a reputation to uphold" It's a classic tale of two sides of the brain. Both perspectives are important, success usually comes best from those who know how to channel either element at the appropriate time.

IMO No one will ever master this better than my personal hero; Warhol. He successfully found a way to mass produce his art, he sold himself as a brand, he catered to and helped create a movement and a lifestyle and followed trends with respect to selling the crap out of his work, but at the same time was able to do it all under the guise of making a satirical statement on commercialism in art in itself and the absurdity in all of it. IMO there has never been a more perfect and ironic display of brilliance in an art and art movement.

I could go on about this crap forever so I'll shut up and just get back to dolls lol.
@ Raymond - i guess i see your point about not crossing a line for professional reasons...but please understand...that i don't think there is a line that you crossed just because you are letting the man know that there are somethings that would help him sell his product better...or without too much noise...i don't know what professional courtesy you are giving him or if there is some sort of professional history in which you have worked with him in the past but if it purely is driven by the hobby, then my friend, you don't owe him anything as he doesn't owe you anything either...to him when he puts out these runs...is purely an income based decision, while yes its his artistic view, it is still a business decision in the end....and this is what i have a problem with

@ Marlindesign - you mentioned that for every 10-20 that don't buy...50+ will take up the mantle...this i highly disagree with....you take the 10-20 that are the serious buyers of almost every RM release....and he will take notice of his regulars not buying his product...see...RM although he is an artist...he also understands business because this is part of his livelihood...how much of it...i don't know...because i don't know RM apart from his works in just this site...

@ Robbie- i practice that principle of not buying what i don't like SPECIALLY with RM customs, if I don't think its up to par with previous items sold then i don't spend the money, I need for you to be clear on this. As far as owing these corrections comment....i take the approach that all this is, is a business transaction.....a seller offers something...a buyer pays him for the product...easy as pie...except when the seller starts to sink on his Quality Control (QC) or lacks the detail as previous offerings....if i'm a buyer...i will let him know that there is a lack of details or that they are lowering...why??...well...since i'm a previous buyer and I’m still considering buying, since i work for my money...just like he is working for his...BUT just like in any job in this big world...if you are not keeping up with it...you will find yourself with a pink slip...this same analogy works even for entrepreneurs, and other businesses alike...that is unless they feel they can survive on producing sub-par work...it doesn't make sense for RM to skimp out on the details that would make what he is offering better or rush to finish something and expect to keep raking in his income unless the people that feel they owe him for just making anything keep paying him...that was in a nutshell my argument has been about....if RM is going to keep making characters based on suggestions from his buyers....then it only strengthens the customers inquiries as to the products that are being asked to buy in the first place…
alot of the artist that were mentioned have often taken on the critiques and improved...so the question would be...why is RM any different....and the ONLY thing that makes any sort of sense to me atleast, would be that the culture is different on that side of the world....but then i think about artists like Xeno who is also over there in that region and who continually improves on works he shows....his latest being driver...then i'm left with a perplexed feeling that maybe i have already bought my last RM figure if Bickle doesn't meet the previous levels of artistic representation...:-/...bitterweet moment but i'm sure i will get over it if this is indeed what happens...:monkey2
I agree Levit, I don't have any regrets of speaking up at all, in fact I only regret NOT speaking up about Vince (please all, note that I have NO ill will towards any of you that are stoked on the figure as is and not trying to paint a bleak picture on the whole release as deeming it a collective opinion, just my personal general feeling, as I said I love a lot about it as well).

I think my reservation more came from if I keep personally hassling rainman about the thing he will not really listen to me because I didn't have his ear on the project in the beginning he will label me an out of left field complainer, that's why i was hoping a fresh person could email him my mod. Either that or the point person(s) that is if they agree with them of course.
I've missed a lot the last couple days. A lot of good convo that I'd love to comment on and get a part of but I don't have time (it took long enough to catch up and read every post :lol).

What I want to say is thanks for all those who supported my frown lines suggestion. If people think that something needs attention then everyone has to speak up. One or two voices can't do it alone.

So thanks for this manip Ray! You hit this dead on the screws! This shows the 3 main elements that are taking away from this sculpt being unreal! The eyes could be rounder (sounds like RM agrees on that one), the checks are a bit too puffy and the frown lines can be turned downward toward his chin a little. It'll be near perfect!

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