read through all the posts, ray, levit, robbie, all have good points, but lets be rainman for a minute, i make a figure, jules. he sells out within hours on the full sets, the h@c sell out in a few days. i must be doing something right!! why should i listen to 3,4,5, guys about changeing this changing that, and risk getting backlash for all the supporters who have just bought me out in a few days time!! maybe the majority love the sculpt and figure the way it is.,,,, why in the world would i change a thing because 5 people want this sculpt their special way. and you know rm has a special relationship with a few on here. if they arent complaining then it really justifies him not doing a thing to the sculpt, or doing just a minor change. and also lets be honest people, and i am "NOT" saying this happens , but lets say a few of those people that rm respects a lot are emailing him and saying to leave it well enough alone? then what? and i agree with "marlidesign" there are enough rm fanboys that they will buy whatever he puts out no matter what. point being stansfield...he isnt even close to be a huge must have figure for people... and he was released before leon, and he did sell out.. and rm is way way more popular now than then. what i am saying is a lot more goes into it than just whats on the surface. rm may also say to himself, there are people that i can never please, no matter what, so i wont worry about it, not specific people, but like any artist there is always backlash no matter how great the release.
disclaimer- i make no accusations or implications at all, just trying to think a little outside the box with things. i own both figures. i am in the camp that the perfect character cannot be made into a doll. if i want perfect i will buy an 8x10 pic and be happy. an artist doing his best and getting very close to a likeness is good enough for me. again i am bringing up ponits and possible scenerios,,,not trying to start something or accuse..just saying what some people think. you have to think of every possibility if it occurs or not.