Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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Serang is the exception. He is the only one (that I know of) who is doing stylized 1/6 figures.
Another notable one is Feng. Logan25 is a guy who is doing some great stylized sculpts at the moment. Hanouman did some sculpts that were pretty popular. Betomatali's Ash is also stylized, and very popular. I know Snyder-Man's Ra's is more accurate than Rainman's, but I like the latter more.
Jules is a strong enough character on it's own. Here's to hoping he nails the likeness and all that Jerry curl detail.....drip, drip!
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I wouldnt say 'cartoon' but yes HEAVILY stylized... Notice the sharper lines on the face and the very sharp accentuation of the nose bridge/jawline/eyebrows etc etc they are too 'perfectly symmetrical' you understand what Im trying to say. Imperfections are characteristics of realism and gives it that character that makes sculpts look more 'human'. In this sculpt there is like an overall symmetry and agreement with idealistic pencil strokes when illustrating a subject.

Im sure you have seen Jimmy Page enough and know how how different the sculpt and the person actually looks in real life. Plus Serang has a very signature almst oil paint over canvass style of painting sculpts. Its like a romantic way of painting which you usually see in oil portraits. Serangs figures are like Oil Portraits come to life...



Serang's least Stylised sculpts IMO are the Hendrix Neutral face. Most stylised would be Van Gough... and most realistic i terms of Source Material? surprisingly Yoda!
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I said that about Jimmi. And while that's another beautiful figure and work of art, its not easily recognizable as Page to me. BUT that is a great example of another long haired figure :yess:
Rainman is scouring the Internet right now for those Bruce Lee "Peace" hands.

You know there's a spot in St. Marks that make a Guinness Milk Shake. Off da Hook my brother!
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Hair is not tight enough, no strands, the jawline looks too small compared to top of the head. Disappointing. :(

Think I'm out on this one.
just come across rainmans work! anyone interested in selling a rainman dude or/and anton?

You'll be paying a premium now for the dude mate but they pop up every now and then. With Anton being a new release you might find a sale if you keep your eyes peeled in the commerce section and on ebay but there are quite a few people wanting one already who missed out so I can see Anton becoming another future grail.

Good luck in your search and welcome to the forum. :hi5:
I think Rainman captured Vince, it's just the wrong scene man! Lol

What the Hell! I just realized it's missing the strand of hair on the side?

I feel like it's another case of looking like the character and not he actor. It's obvious that it's Vince but there isn't a lot if Travolta there. I hate to say it but I think Head Play has the best Vince out there right now