Rainman Artwork project 2013 "Pulp Fiction"

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The hair is probably a mm or two too long but I don't see that changing at this point.

If he was to work on anything about the hair I'd hope it would be where the inserts meet the sculpt. I'm really surprised that I'm like the only one saying anything about that. It seems that people really accepted that with no issue :dunno

Pop, those inserts bother you? I think Rainman did a great job with masking any seams. It looks pretty natural, it's just those tips of the hair look wet! I guess it will work with the beach clothes since it's after the fact that the Wolf hosed them down
The hair is probably a mm or two too long but I don't see that changing at this point.

If he was to work on anything about the hair I'd hope it would be where the inserts meet the sculpt. I'm really surprised that I'm like the only one saying anything about that. It seems that people really accepted that with no issue :dunno

For the record I agree about the hair not being great and looking like an add-on in response to calls for a long-haired sculpt rather than anything to do with casting or breakage concerns. Of course I still picked up a sculpt, and I hope I'm not too disappointed by the hair treatment in hand.
Pop, those inserts bother you? I think Rainman did a great job with masking any seams. It looks pretty natural, it's just those tips of the hair look wet! I guess it will work with the beach clothes since it's after the fact that the Wolf hosed them down

It's not the seams that bother me it's the flow of the hair from the forehead to the base of the neck. It's as though Vince has combed his hair down, and then picked up his fringe (bangs) and pulled it towards the back of his head.
Speaking from a caster's perspective, I think the hair is done in the way in which Rainman feels it can survive a trip. The difference between this and Anton, is Anton's little bang piece is not jetting out to the side. It has some protection from the the whole head. If the hair was cast in PVC like HT then it wouldn't be a problem but resin is a extremely brittle when fully cured. Speaking also from a person that offers custom products that are limited. A lot of work goes into this stuff and the biggest fear for me is when this hits the shipping service is, first will it make it to the buyer and two will it survive? An example would be these back packs I'm doing. If one is lost or damaged in transit, then its on me to replace it. It's not like I have a whole bunch just laying around in case something happens. If I have to replace one it is a huge problem for me. I can't imagine a whole figure that multiple people have worked on. I would be a nervous wreck waiting on the delivery notices.

:goodpost: :exactly:
For the record I agree about the hair not being great and looking like an add-on in response to calls for a long-haired sculpt rather than anything to do with casting or breakage concerns. Of course I still picked up a sculpt, and I hope I'm not too disappointed by the hair treatment in hand.

I know you get me Lejuan. I feel the same way because I don't see how the inserts can be so much safer during travel than a solid sculpt. I'm pretty sure both carry the same risk. We wanted long hair, he's the man and accommodated us as usual, and this was the available solution that worked for the time frame.

Pop, those inserts bother you? I think Rainman did a great job with masking any seams. It looks pretty natural, it's just those tips of the hair look wet! I guess it will work with the beach clothes since it's after the fact that the Wolf hosed them down

No, it's not the inserts that bother me because I think that they actually are a pretty smart idea to modify the ponytail sculpt into loose hair without having to totally redo the hair. I think there is a lack of natural continuity which is the small part where the seam is evident (the hair strands meet like a T; vertically and horizontally). It's just that little portion that I felt maybe he could have used sculpty or something to cover the seam and improve the flow. But what do I know; I'm not a sculptor so what I think may be an easy fix may not be as feasible as I think.

Like vareika said it's Vince for crying out loud. As of now I do feel like there are some shortcomings with the set but I'm happily overlooking them. There would have had to have been a HELL of a lot wrong with this set for me to pass. Same goes for Jules and JRS Vince. Mia on the other hand... I really want her but several shortcomings will equal a pass; and it won't hurt my heart like J or V would.
I know you get me Lejuan. I feel the same way because I don't see how the inserts can be so much safer during travel than a solid sculpt.

I think the idea is that in the event one of the hair stems should break, it's probably easier/cheaper to repair one of the hair inserts (by replacing it with another) as opposed to say having to replace with an entirely newsculpt paint and all. That's one of the smart techniques that I admire about Rainman's approach. He sculpts in sections.
I forgot that this was a revision, so those sectional pieces were a quick fix solution response to the long hair requests. Had he wanted long hair from the beginning wouldn't it be possible to do exactly what he did with the Dude? One peice
Of course. Anton was a similar situation. Check out Aeon's pics on his site. Anton's sculpt is 2 pieces; the face/neck and the sexy do.

You can see that when he revised Anton's hair he re-did the hair but the face is the same


I'll be happy to have this figure set up... but I also agree it's one of Rainman's weaker likenesses. Especially since each figure he released was better than the last.
Who said this was a weak likeness? :dunno They were just talking about the hair.

Oops? When I say likeness, I don't mean the face exclusively. When I say likeness, I take into account the entire package. (Clothing, face sculpt, paint, hair, etc.) Everything looks great to me except the hair. It just... bothers me a little... and sort of pulls me out of the "magic" if you will.
Well Quentin isn't too bright is he? He could've joined the dots and figured that the guy hadn't finished his sentence :cuckoo: