Ah maybe mine was painted by Iminime then, I don't know
This is it
Where as Aeons eyes are much much different, lighter in colour, almost a baby blue/white blue/green, if anyone has a restock Aeon painted Doc would like to see a close up
All comes down to personal preference
Easy way to tell: Iminime's has the sweat painted on the sculpt(just like RM did for the FS) and I believe Aeons does not
Do you still have your Aeon sculpt? Mind taking a side by side photo?
My Aeon painted Plainview, DeLarge, Butcher are all amazing. I was disappointed with the paint app for Bickle though. While I liked the skin tone, little/no red on the cheeks or lips the eyes threw me off
But a lot of people preferred Aeons paint app of Bickle compared to Rainmans soits all subjective
The eyes throw me off too! ... Also, may be i am the only one, but i think seeing many a pics of rainmans past work i think likeness quotient on bickle was a bit low at least when you see the figure in person. Somehow RDNs classic nose on the figure seems a tad bit short and high, and his classic tight lip look even in a neutral expression was missed by a slightly open lip cut (pout for a lack of word). But thats just my view and since i am such a crazy fan of RDN, may be i am a bit too harsh...
But when RM nails them...he NAILS them!
Great pipe
The sculpt ll come with a hole in the lips to put it??
It does have a hole for the pipe already, as its the same sculpt as Plainview, who also had a small hole in the mouth for his pipe.
Thnks Rob, in photos i never notice the hole in planview's mouth