Rainman Project (Crazy Dog Stansfield)

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From the timings of the posts in this thread it looks like <13 minutes,
which is pretty impressive.
It felt like it was gone sooner. :google It was fast and there are only 3 people here who have actually said they bought one so if you and Teddy would have been buying someone who wanted one would have lost out if they didn't already.
Which figure has sold out the fasest from Rainman ?.
I managed to get up at 6am as well. Now I'm having a hard time staying awake. :lol
I can't believe these sold out that fast. It's a nice figure but I really had no idea he was that desirable of a figure. I rewatched "Leon" yesterday because of this figure and it was amazing. That's all I needed.

I'd love to see this next to all of your Leons now. Is Rainman gonna do a Leon?
I'd love to see this next to all of your Leons now. Is Rainman gonna do a Leon?

That'd be great. :D
I think most people here though want him to move onto something else though so can't be to greedy. :lol
I'm looking forward to seeing his next project. :)
Santa if you read this can you please advise about my payment. I need to pay via paypal and was unsure if I could just send money to the paypal account listed or if I need to wait on an email or something?
That'd be great. :D
I think most people here though want him to move onto something else though so can't be to greedy. :lol
I'm looking forward to seeing his next project. :)

He did do 4 Fight Club figures... That I think was overkill. I probably will never own a Rainman figure but it's always fun to look. Hope the next project is something I'm familiar with.

All new items say 'sold out' until the order time starts bud. :D

Phew. :monkey1
Thanks mate. :D I take it we don't have a time for the unpainted ones yet then ?. I really want an unpainted sculpt.

He did do 4 Fight Club figures... That I think was overkill. I probably will never own a Rainman figure but it's always fun to look. Hope the next project is something I'm familiar with.

I'd love Rainman to do a Matilda and a Leon and I'd find a way to get them even if it meant selling some of my other stuff cheap but I just can't see him doing it. I think Leon would sell better than Stansfield too. Not sure about Matilda.
Pretty sure the unpainted heads, painted heads, clothing/HS sets and clothing sets will go up a week from the full ed sale.

i.e. Sunday morning at 2ish for us UKers bud.
Ah yeah , Teddy mentioned that. Completely forgot !. Thanks.
I'll most likely be here waiting for an unpainted sculpt. 2am again though. :slap:lol
ah taht sucks.

but get small studios or boots to paint it, it should be on par with the full set.

Yeh, quite annoying bud, but ah well.

I have a couple of repainters lined up already, so hopefully I can get a clothing set and unpainted sculpt. :)

I WILL own a full set Rainman ver one of these days! :lecture