Rainman Project (Crazy Dog Stansfield)

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Mine should be here soon. I missed it on Saturday (wasn't aware it required a signature or that it even shipped). I'll try and get some crappy cell pics for you guys.

Great looking forward to more pics :)

Any word on ours Tay?
Finally arrived. I don't have a camera so these cell phone shots will have to do. Disregard the fill in cigarette. Mine didn't have a cig in the bag so I had to improvise. :( Overall it's an amazing figure though.

Stansfield posing in my bathroom...



Loving that man!!! Congrats! :rock

No cig though? I will be requesting one if mine doesn't get one. Will also ask for eyes like yours if mine doesn't come like that. Looks perfect!

Nothing yet Aaron bud. Snow delays. :(
I would love to request one, but shipping just a tiny cig to the states seems crazy. Santa Jack if you read this let me know what you think. Maybe there is a customizer here that would send me one because they love me?
Quite a difference in the eyes here:


Both look good, but I sincerely hope mine is llike yours wofford. Hate the fact there is such a difference, makes it almost a gamble. Will be frustrating sending it back for changes too. :(
Its odd, from a distance I like the way Turd's paint job looks much more, but close up much prefer Woff's. The details like the eyes looking up and the lip not coming all the way down to the soul patch under his lip look better here, but further away Turd's looks more angry or something like Stansfield should.
Quite a difference in the eyes here:


Both look good, but I sincerely hope mine is llike yours wofford. Hate the fact there is such a difference, makes it almost a gamble. Will be frustrating sending it back for changes too. :(

Wow. Paintjob on the right looks loads better:exactly:
I don't mean to detract from TF's either, just that I feel Woffords is more on the button.

May send mine back if it is not like yours woff, it is more in keeping with the proto.
Congrats Woff great pics

Really suprised there is such a clear difference between Woff's and Turd's, that just doesn't seem right when shelling out this sort of wonga

I really hope mine comes with a Rainman cig, I feel like I paid enough for one

Hope you get yours soon Tim
I just got mine- Thanks Santajack.

I bought the painted head and suit, looks just like Woffords- exactly.
I love the way they package it, with the wrapping and certificate. Class act.

I was wondering if anyone is using the true type regular or slim body? And I've never put on a head, are they an easy fit on the neck peg?
Still waiting on mine, I got the painted head. Will post pics when it gets here, hopefully soon. Is there any way to track the package to see where it is currently at?
Now that's Stansfield. :google:rock:rock


If I open mine and it looks like that this will be my favorite figure of all time and I highly doubt it will ever be topped.
There is a big difference in the paint jobs by the looks of it and honestly to me Wofford's looks ten times better.

It's the eyes that makes the biggest difference and the skin seems to have more life to it.
This might sound a little odd but Turds paintjob on his figure actually looks like a DF studios paint job to me from what I've seen of their past work. Can anyone see what I mean ?.
Couldn't have been put in by mistake could it ?.
The eyes look better , the facial hair is more subtle as it should be , the skin tone looks to be darker and more accurate , the eyebrows lighter , the hair even looks as if more work went into the paint to me , round the edges and stuff. Neater.
Again , it could be the photos ?.

Regardless I doubt I'd send mine back if it was painted green. Once I have this figure I can't ever let it go !. :lol

If you can see what we mean Turd and even slightly agree with us you should send an email to Rainman , that could have been a mistake I think. Hopefully it's the photos.
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