I was just talking to lee about that just now. He said
Full set -normal
DX-with son and bike
People can chose option for twin.
80% I decide
So he's 80% sure that's how it's gonna go
I wonder what date he has in mind? Doesn't he just spring on the VIP ordering with no word? Stiff ask him if he sent my Doc hat [emoji23]. I suppose this thread will quickly turn into a typical RM thread so let me start off by saying: I think VIP is ********, plus i bet there are are people with multiple VIP accounts. Chew on that suckers!!!!!
To get multiple VIP accounts ud have to buy like 5fullsets per haha
OK GUYS!!!!!
I just talked to Lee and this is how the Torrance release is going to work....
He will give us the date and for that 24 hour period everyone is entitled to buy which set they would like. After doing so your name will be put on the list of which set u purchased and this will determine how many sets are sold of each. After the day of sale they will no longer be available. He said this way everyone gets a chance at he figures...
OK GUYS!!!!!
I just talked to Lee and this is how the Torrance release is going to work....
He will give us the date and for that 24 hour period everyone is entitled to buy which set they would like. After doing so your name will be put on the list of which set u purchased and this will determine how many sets are sold of each. After the day of sale they will no longer be available. He said this way everyone gets a chance at he figures...
That sound very fair. An opportunity for everyone!
OK GUYS!!!!!
I just talked to Lee and this is how the Torrance release is going to work....
He will give us the date and for that 24 hour period everyone is entitled to buy which set they would like. After doing so your name will be put on the list of which set u purchased and this will determine how many sets are sold of each. After the day of sale they will no longer be available. He said this way everyone gets a chance at he figures...
I'm VIP and don't care, I think that is a perfect structure, that way no cart jackings, everyone gets what they want and then sold out for good, works perfect.
Don't really see how that is gonna work out wellit could get out of hand unless it's a pay within 24 hours type of deal. He could be stuck making Torrance's all year, which means waiting even longer for other characters.
What's the price structure for this. Any estimates?
What happens if 100 people buy DX sets?
or is 200 people buy clothing sets?
I like the structure but is Lee really going to have open ended orders?
lil' confusing.
Doesn't know prices yet and u still get 7 days to pay....