I had this on repeat as a kid
Me too! My wife, who was my girlfriend at time, actually surprised me with the Blu ray for Christmas...asked her how she knew I liked the movie that much...said she noticed the only figure I have outside the detolf and on my desk is the medi Rocketeer ...and since she met me..it was only movie she could remember I watch at any point in movie if I find it on TV
Not my favorite film, but that could make for one fine dolly. How about something not from a movie at all?
Exactly! ...he may be trying to say that paint work could be bettered, but then again for a character like jack no matter who does it, it has to be that whole "like the sculpt is live: expression / feeling" and what little i have seen even RMs could go either ways. So from a sculpt likeness perspective i think recognition is due when its fair and i think those sculpts (snyderman) came out fairly live and near perfect. I have rarely seen expressive sculpts that are spot on and i think he did a great job and justice to both the sculpts.
I think the Rocketeer would end up to be pretty amazing. I really enjoy that great movie when I was a kid.
I thought Rainman normally will not touch anything that have been made by other companies and/or other artists.
Yeah, but Rainman and his tailor vs. Medicom is like comparing a Van Gogh painting with a child's haphazard crayon scribbling.I would be all over this but Medicom did this already. I Pre-ordered mine from bbts.
Some of his previous figures had bootlegs made and sold.I thought Rainman normally will not touch anything that have been made by other companies and/or other artists.
I really don't think that's the case anymore Mike what with fighter v2, Alex de large, travis etc.
Yeah, but Rainman and his tailor vs. Medicom is like comparing a Van Gogh painting with a child's haphazard crayon scribbling.
Some of his previous figures had bootlegs made and sold.