Re: Rainman wants you!

^ you can thank fundamental christianity for the exorcists "faint worthy" reactions. Well over half of America was a full on Christian at time of release. Still happens today with religious folk who go see those kind of movies - just way less of them by an astounding number.
The exorcist is an amazing movie. Writing, filming, Acting, Directing all included. One of, if not the best
horror movies of all time. Arguably the most shock worthy movie as well (although I attribute this mainly to the abundance of "faith" in 70's culture).
The Shining is a whole other beast. Almost every film advocate and poll or user rating or review or peer analyzed review will place the shining above the exorcist when it comes to
filmmaking. Kubrick, the master, obviously would appreciate a film like the exorcist because
it is an amazing movie. I just know that I can watch the shining over and over and still learn new things and be surprised every time. something I cannot say from the exorcist. The shock has faded, and I'm not religious
at all so the whole faith demonic satan thing does not reach me.
It's all opinion of course. But in terms of filmmaking I respect Kubrick and his completion level more than Friedkin. IMO, don't soil urself over this post Turbo. [emoji14]
Edit: I just spewed my tea laughing when i saw that pic turbo. Lmfao hilarious