Rainman's Project (Narrator 1999)... ^L^

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The red shades was supposed to come out during the PO of norton

where was that ever confirmed? :rolleyes:

Here's the last zuno said about it 2 weeks ago:
I don't have any news yet but he has said that he found a solution to make it... :D

Rainman's working away and is very, very fast. But not fast enough for some. Just be patient, no need to constantly mention them, all will come in time.
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where was that ever confirmed? :rolleyes:

Here's the last zuno said about it 2 weeks ago:

Rainman's working away and is very, very fast. But not fast enough for some. Just be patient, no need to constantly mention them, all will come in time.

Here it is:

Thanks, Zuno, for the shades announcement - definitely great news! :banana

Did Rainman say when they might be ready for purchase?

He said it will be ready for purchase early next month when the 2nd version is released.


this was posted on Jan btw, in case you missed it :rolleyes:

not reminding them, just excited about them, EC.
Just checked the site, and its all GONE :horror

Even the unpainted heads :google

so its either some resellers who bought all of em to flip later, or rainman decides to take it back and sell em to the korean market... :monkey1
Doesn't the pre-order only stay open for a couple of days though anyway?

EDIT: The sets and heads are showing availability still for me.
Ah don't bud. :( I know I will regret not getting a set, but I just cannot afford it and need to think about what Rainman may offer after Fight Club.

Namely; Tony Montana, Travis Bickle or Alex DeLarge. Would have to go full set on any of those.
Ah don't bud. :( I know I will regret not getting a set, but I just cannot afford it and need to think about what Rainman may offer after Fight Club.

Namely; Tony Montana, Travis Bickle or Alex DeLarge. Would have to go full set on any of those.

I tend not to over analyze what hes gonna make after this line.

Otherwise, I could miss out these, over something that rainman would prolly even not gonna make.

If he decides to make alex or tony, I know I'm gonna find the cash for it one way or another, like what I did with norton :lol

on another note, havent watched taxi driver yet, but I already bought the DVD because of you blabbing bout it all the time snake :eek:
:ring :ring :ring :ring :ring :ring :ring :ring :ring

Hi All,

Today I am writing this post to make an announcement.
From now on I will no longer be helping Rainman.

As some of you know, I have partnered with Rainman since March 2009.
During that time, I agreed to support him for one year.

A year has finally passed, and Rainman is preparing to work without my assistance.
Furthermore, he has hired a new assistant who works worldwide.
His nickname is Santa Jack, and you can contact him via email: [B][COLOR="Red"][email protected][/COLOR][/B].
His blog: https://blog.naver.com/arelrek

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
However, it will be more convenient to contact Santa Jack who works at Rainman's office for questions regarding his figures.

By all means, I will continue to interact with you all, and continue to purchase and collect his figures as I did in the past.
I want to thank you all for your cooperation and hope for it to continue on.

Thank you very much... :wave
Im sure the Norton will be fine guys, Rainman himself is a class act, he'll get them out to us the same way he always does. Lets just hope they are not problem ridden and need replacements etc. like Tyler. That could be bad!
Hi all,

Thank you. I appreciate with your kind words.... :monkey2

Santa Jack would be here to update Rainman's work soon.


You have been a wonderful help to us all, Zuno. I am saddened by this news, however. I admired how you were able to convey our concerns and questions to Rainman with such care. I hope this new person is as nice to us as you were.
Hello everyone,
Nice to meet you~ I'm SantaJack
I have been work with Gorae, Kojun, & rainman for a long time now. I like to show Korea Custom Figure to my foreign friends worldwide. I hope they would like the Korean custom figures.I'm trying my best.
I like 12inch figure very much~ especially ones made by Korea artists.
Not only is it my country but our quality of figures are very good. I like other 12inch figure too,that are made by sideshow, did, hottoys, 3A.
I will be Rainman new assistance that Juno said, help Rainman make good things!! I will not let you down!!
thanks a lot zuno
thank you~


About Narrator 1999~
Rainman is painting heads in these days.
these are the Rainman painted heads right!!
I'll post something news of this project.


about pitt's sunglasses
we reserching making it continuously.

Hi Santa

Just wondering if you have an estimated shipping date for these yet?
