Rainman's Project (Narrator 1999)... ^L^

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Then, of course, you have another bunch of people who complain about the limited articulation and unsightly rubber wrinkling with rubber arms. :duh I tend to pose my figures and leave them so I'm in the covered joints crowd, but I recognize that certain aesthetic compromises must be made in order to maintain poseability. Especially in this case when you are adapting someone else's base body for your own custom design.
I usually pose and leave alone, very rarely do i mess around with my figures much once posed. I guess i like joints covered also but if they arnt then it certainly will not bother me in the slightest certainly not enough to not want the end scene Jack version :D
the bruised head with the clothes are available again guess alot people cant make up there minds on this one
Yeah, slack should definitely be given to Rainman and customizers who can't pull off a Leonidas type job yet. I don't fully put that expectation on them, though Sovereign managed it to a lower degree.

Im not saying that rainman should pull something like a leonida type of body/legs. Thats just isnt possible.

Im talking bout somewhere along the line of sovereign studios type of leg sleeves/arm sleeves.
Meh. If you can't deal with joints, collect statues.

with all due respect, I think its this sort of mental attitude thats making medicom and other companies failing behind Hot Toys, whos constantly improving and covering more of their joints in order to achieve realism, like what KBA pointed out.

I mean rainman could just go with the easier route with tyler and jack and give them a sculpted neck with the head j(ust like what I've seen on either kai or feng's scarface pacino), so that he could skip out making the jointless molded neck right.. this at least proves that he tries to hide the joints whenever possible...
I bought the ending scene version, count me in.
I might try to pick up one of the ZC office chairs and modify for him to sit in. :confused: It would have been great to get the gun for him to hold too.

i bought the ending scene one also
with all due respect, I think its this sort of mental attitude thats making medicom and other companies failing behind Hot Toys, whos constantly improving and covering more of their joints in order to achieve realism, like what KBA pointed out.

I mean rainman could just go with the easier route with tyler and jack and give them a sculpted neck with the head j(ust like what I've seen on either kai or feng's scarface pacino), so that he could skip out making the jointless molded neck right.. this at least proves that he tries to hide the joints whenever possible...

Why are you anti-joint people not arguing that Rainman should have sculpted the Narrator with an attached neck like the Gunmen if you're all about hiding every articulation point? You wouldn't have the neck seam that way. But I haven't heard that once.

Of course I'm not saying Hot Toys shouldn't make new bodies. As I said before, an individual customizer is not equal to Hot Toys and does not have the same resources and means and it's silly to think so. I'm all for concealing joints but if they bother you to the point that's all you can see or mention or focus on when looking at a piece, then this might not be the right hobby for you. And if it really really bothers you - you can always fix it yourself! :duh
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I bought the end scene gear for one main reason, i cant pick the boxers or the coat up that comes with the end scene gear. It comes with the shoes and briefcase which are vital parts and very hard to pick up elsewhere. I can now easily get a grey ttl suit and bash the 'at work' look, ok i know its not a Rainman tailored suit but this way i pay for one outfit set and can easily achieve 2 looks now :D
I got the bruised head and I think I'm going to add even more blood and do him from right after he beats the hell out of himself in his boss's office and he's being escorted out of the building. Just really bloody shirt and if I can find like a 1/6 shopping cart or w/e he was pushing with the computer in it that'd be awesome.
I got the bruised head and I think I'm going to add even more blood and do him from right after he beats the hell out of himself in his boss's office and he's being escorted out of the building. Just really bloody shirt and if I can find like a 1/6 shopping cart or w/e he was pushing with the computer in it that'd be awesome.

I think he was pushing an office mail cart.
Why are you anti-joint people not arguing that Rainman should have sculpted the Narrator with an attached neck like the Gunmen if you're all about hiding every articulation point? You wouldn't have the neck seam that way. But I haven't heard that once.

The way the clothes on the Narrator hang, with the loose tie, the joint would show. No?
No. He wears a tshirt with both costumes which gives even more neck coverage than any of the open collared GBU figs had.
No. He wears a tshirt with both costumes which gives even more neck coverage than any of the open collared GBU figs had.

Oh, then I guess the main reason Rainman did the chest was for swappable magnetic heads? No neck heads usually don't bother me personally, and on the Hot Toys efforts, they're showing up more and more with the special bodies like Wolverine/Comedian and Leonidas where the bodies are worth the (tiny) sacrifice.