Rainman's Projects... ^L^

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This really annoys the ____ out of me:

Q: Hi my friend I thought you were going to let me know if you had rare items. HAHAH!! ;) How much do you want for this? thx Al
A: oh sorry. I think that you bought it already. well. how much do you wanT? thx. do you want edward norton too? It will be next month.

- crumble-fish


:lol Why would Rainman's friend be buying up multiples and selling them? To pad Rainman's profits? And wouldn't zuno be aware of that already?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but so far only the fellow in Atlanta has sold multiples of the same figure, right? And the current brouhaha is over the Seoul seller's announced intention to sell the Norton figure, which isn't even out yet, because it means the seller is very confident he can get one, and people are feeling there's a fox in the henhouse?

I think EC has posted exactly what might disturb Rainman: the casual inference that he himself is involved. I think that even to speculate that Rainman might be "padding his profits" is highly insulting to him. Artists release their editions, and once the individual pieces are in private hands the artist derives no profit from subsequent changes in ownership. I hope discussion of these re-sellers can leave him out of it. To my knowledge, this is the only Western forum where, despite the language barrier, Rainman has personally posted his greetings. We should all accord him his due respect.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but so far only the fellow in Atlanta has sold multiples of the same figure, right? And the current brouhaha is over the Seoul seller's announced intention to sell the Norton figure, which isn't even out yet, because it means the seller is very confident he can get one, and people are feeling there's a fox in the henhouse?

I think EC has posted exactly what might disturb Rainman: the casual inference that he himself is involved. I think that even to speculate that Rainman might be "padding his profits" is highly insulting to him. Artists release their editions, and once the individual pieces are in private hands the artist derives no profit from subsequent changes in ownership. I hope discussion of these re-sellers can leave him out of it. To my knowledge, this is the only Western forum where, despite the language barrier, Rainman has personally posted his greetings. We should all accord him his due respect.


agreed on all points.
PS: Just want to clarify that I do understand that EC only raised the "padding" business in a way that meant it was too ridiculous to believe possible. But such subtleties of language might not make it through the language barrier. I don't know whether the Korean language uses hyperbole or exaggeration the way English does.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but so far only the fellow in Atlanta has sold multiples of the same figure, right? And the current brouhaha is over the Seoul seller's announced intention to sell the Norton figure, which isn't even out yet, because it means the seller is very confident he can get one, and people are feeling there's a fox in the henhouse?

The guy from Seoul has sold every figure that's come out. From Chaplin, the gunmen series, and now the fighter.
I think that even to speculate that Rainman might be "padding his profits" is highly insulting to him. Artists release their editions, and once the individual pieces are in private hands the artist derives no profit from subsequent changes in ownership. I hope discussion of these re-sellers can leave him out of it. To my knowledge, this is the only Western forum where, despite the language barrier, Rainman has personally posted his greetings. We should all accord him his due respect.

I completely agree. And yes, I think it's too ridiculous to believe possible. Rainman and Zuno have been nothing but professional and honorable with these and I thank them. :duff

I was just responding to Hydeous' post that Rainman's friend or family might be behind the reselling on ebay.
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Rainman has no intention to pad is profits. He's to respectable for that. If that was the case he would have hiked the prices super high the second time he offered the Studio DF Gunmen heads.

Sure these aren't cheap but sometimes some guys seem to forget what goes into these. This has to be his full time job. The TIME it takes to make things of this level alone let alone the supplies it takes to make them and ship them out means he's probably not rolling in the dough as much as you'd expect. It's not really about money here it really is about the artwork.

The truth is though that these scalping situations should really be watched. I know for a fact that everyone on these boards here thats posting actively are all just huge fans who respect his work and are just salivating at he chance to own an amazing version of one of their favorite characters they thought they'd never own but the guys flipping it are just doing it because they know the eventual value of these things based on a few points...

Everyone knows that whatever Rainman touches will more than likely not see the light of day as mass distributed lines. GBU and Fight Club?? I'll never say never, but its PROBABLY never gonna happen.

Plus lets talk about the big pink elephant in the room here, I'm not saying this to jinx rainman's chances or to even imply this is a situation Rainman would even be interested in but the likelyhood of him being picked up by Hot Toys as a sculptor or tailor or both is very strong. HT is on fire no pun intended, they have a slew of huge lines this year to pump out and need more top grade hands to do it. It happened to INAE, Kojun, Arnie Kim etc... talented folks posting their artwork soon working for big companies. As soon as they sign I'm not sure they can continue to commission work. As soon as Josh Smalls got picked up by SS he went and started shipping back his customer's heads unpainted. My point is that we don't even know for sure how many more completely custom Rainman offerings we'll see. That alone can make his work very rare.

Rainman really cares and has a lot of passion put into his work. Based on the price of some of the other custom figures out there, and my personal biased opinion alone Rainman is by far the best out there... I'd say Rainman's prices are actually quite fair.

I know Tyler got bagged on a bit and I for the record just want to state that if i expressed any worry or negativity it was in no way meant to disrespect Rainman but to offer some constructive feedback in a way that Rainman can use in the future. Rainman has always been very receptive to us.
Plus lets talk about the big pink elephant in the room here, I'm not saying this to jinx rainman's chances or to even imply this is a situation Rainman would even be interested in but the likelyhood of him being picked up by Hot Toys as a sculptor or tailor or both is very strong. HT is on fire no pun intended, they have a slew of huge lines this year to pump out and need more top grade hands to do it. It happened to INAE, Kojun, Arnie Kim etc... talented folks posting their artwork soon working for big companies. As soon as they sign I'm not sure they can continue to commission work. As soon as Josh Smalls got picked up by SS he went and started shipping back his customer's heads unpainted. My point is that we don't even know for sure how many more completely custom Rainman offerings we'll see. That alone can make his work very rare.

This is exactly what sprung to mind once I received the clothing set. The tailoring on that red leather jacket is the best I have ever seen in 1/6 and I could easily see Rainman being hired as a tailor.

This is exactly what sprung to mind once I received the clothing set. The tailoring on that red leather jacket is the best I have ever seen in 1/6 and I could easily see Rainman being hired as a tailor.


Rainman can sculpt and paint, but I think his true magic lies in his stitching skills. Blondie's boots are masterpieces in and of themselves, and with Tyler's jacket, Rainman took it to another level.
Agreed. It also makes me a little mad I didn't get the Rainman Blondie and the Bad. Still love my DF versions though. But yeah the DF Tyler and Rainman Tyler are worlds apart.


especially since I've hold both of them and having seeing it first hand. Its amazing how differences in just the paint, can totally change the whole experience. I wonder how the small studios one will look later :rock