Rainman's Projects... ^L^

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just reviewed the ebay link again~ he is not selling complete box set~
it is by df studio painted Head ~ but now already bidding at usd 660 now~ so crazy~ :horror

AND I just saw the question which he anwser~
he said "oh sorry. I think that you bought it already. well. how much do you wanT? thx. do you want edward norton too? It will be next month.

so I think he will order norton to resell too~
thanks Hydeous
Although I put a high bid of $650 right at the start, then wiht 5 days to goI am outbidded huh????
The real bidding happens in the last 5 minutes as everybody knows, so it is just a little bit ODD that they would test it just over my high bid???
nevertheless , if it is a real buyer, they are going to have to be prepared to pay over the $1000, if it is not a real buyer , I guarantee it will be up for sale again very soon.

I knew it would sell for iver the original cost of $650, i just did not expect a genuine bidder to push it out with 5 days to go.
I do not know this seller and i am sure that rainman and zuno disapprove.
Like you guys have said , a genuine collecter such as me, misses out and it gets sold to someone to make money.
If i was the maker I too would be P***** off
I knew it would sell for iver the original cost of $650, i just did not expect a genuine bidder to push it out with 5 days to go.
I do not know this seller and i am sure that rainman and zuno disapprove.
Like you guys have said , a genuine collecter such as me, misses out and it gets sold to someone to make money.
If i was the maker I too would be P***** off

this one original price is usd 380 only ~ the head painting is different with rainman that one~ i don't agree you pay a lot of money buy this set~ wait ver.2 by rainman better~
I understand what you mean, marcel. This guy has no ethics at all, and would ruin it for the korean collectors too, if rainman decides not to sell to korean buyers because of his shameless scheme.

I think you can't compare v1 tyler and v2, toyslover. Because the iconic look for tyler durden is the spikey haired, red leather jacket-wearing brad pitt. So you can't really compare it with the v2. I can relate to what you are goin through, marcel.
so hang on guys , is this worth this much or more???
or not?
will rainman bring out the leather jacket again?
Thanks again for the heads up on the INCOMPLETE set.
did not know it was worth $380 but the fact that there are no more , he can actually let the dogs fight it out.lol
I would not mind getting it and paying for something rare.
let us see how it goes.
Would love to hear from zuno or rainman himself to the thoughts of this auction and seller, maybe they could share some thoughts by chiming in.
and thanks for the advise guys!!
so hang on guys , is this worth this much or more???
or not?
will rainman bring out the leather jacket again?

Trying to say whether it is 'worth it' or not is difficult, as Rainman will likely never release these clothes again, so it is rare.

HOWEVER, as other mentioned, the set being auctioned off was originally sold for $380, so it is a very inflated price.
Trying to say whether it is 'worth it' or not is difficult, as Rainman will likely never release these clothes again, so it is rare.

HOWEVER, as other mentioned, the set being auctioned off was originally sold for $380, so it is a very inflated price.

yes ~I remenber ~ the GUNMAN C1847 Head Sculpt was release again when we order the fighter 1999 that time.Don't know fighter 1999 wll release the Sculpt again or not.

if usd 560 for the clothing , I think it's little bit high and not reasonable~ it's easy to find some worker to sew the clothing to you if you can pay over usd 200~ but for good Sculpt it's not easy to find.
so hang on guys , is this worth this much or more???
or not?
will rainman bring out the leather jacket again?
Thanks again for the heads up on the INCOMPLETE set.
did not know it was worth $380 but the fact that there are no more , he can actually let the dogs fight it out.lol
I would not mind getting it and paying for something rare.
let us see how it goes.
Would love to hear from zuno or rainman himself to the thoughts of this auction and seller, maybe they could share some thoughts by chiming in.
and thanks for the advise guys!!

I think its worth at least $1K on ebay for that set.

Even the ugly's head + clothing set went for around 800 ish last time it went on ebay, and tyler (pitt) by far is more interesting and famous compared to tuco.

I think zuno will do his best to track down and ban this guy from buying any more of rainman's stuff. But I dont think that he will make another set just for you because you missed out on it. So if you want it badly enough, you'll have to buy it from that seller, if not, wait for the other fighter series.
yes ~I remenber ~ the GUNMAN C1847 Head Sculpt was release again when we order the fighter 1999 that time.Don't know fighter 1999 wll release the Sculpt again or not.

if usd 560 for the clothing , I think it's little bit high and not reasonable~ it's easy to find some worker to sew the clothing to you if you can pay over usd 200~ but for good Sculpt it's not easy to find.

if you guys notice, that on the order page on e-ureka, most of the clothes set etc is marked as "sold out", but the headsculpts are "out of stock".

I'm sure they are re stocked every now and then, so if thats what you need, then no need to buy that set, just be patient and wait till rainman/zuno offers the head again.
so hang on guys , is this worth this much or more???

It's worth what someone will pay for it. It originally sold for $380, but if people are willing to pay, it's worth much more.

It's really bad that he's already offering Rainman's Ed Norton figure to people for sale when it isn't even finished yet. That is wrong. Ban that guy and the other guy in GA who sold 2 Chaplins. :(
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It's worth what someone will pay for it. It originally sold for $380, but if people are willing to pay, it's worth much more.

It's really bad that he's already offering Rainman's Ed Norton figure to people for sale when it isn't even finished yet. That is wrong. Ban that guy. :(

maybe that guy is rainman's friend or relative?

but if not, I second EC, he should be banned.
some insane detailing lalla has in store for rainman's tyler v1:


hands and finger nails.

Also he mentioned something bout adding real hair to his tyler durden :horror
I did wonder if Lalla would buy it up and mod it! Great news! I cant wait for pics, he is uber talented