[Fighter1999 processing news]
The second picture is a connection method between head and chest part...
And as you see, he is painting the head...
Look at the cigar...
I think I'm gonna go for the clothing set if there is one. I'm too poor for the full thing. Hideous is gonna buy us all one though anyway. I think he works for hot toys and adds all this positivity to the threads to make us more excited to keep buying this 1/6 stuff.
[Fighter1999 processing news]
The second picture is a connection method between head and chest part...
And as you see, he is painting the head...
Look at the cigarette...
Can we pose Tyler like this then, Zuno?
Can we pose Tyler like this then, Zuno?
Is that a *hint*hint* I'm sensing from you, Zuno? That we are gonna get a bathrobe as well