RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

5 dollars a day with Christopher Walken ,Sharon Stone i give a 7 quirky comedy / drama anything with walken is usualy good stuff.....love blast from the past with him one of my favorites....
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

For some reason I decided to depress myself and watch Schindler's List. Not a film one enjoys in the traditional sense but one can easily see its an important film, very well made. Didn't reach the end unfortunately, something must have went wrong with the upload to my media center and it was incomplete. Frustrating.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

^ I find that movie to be one of the most uplifting. It's a hard journey, but the end gives me this amazing sense of hope that almost always makes me tear up. I love that movie. It's one of the greatest. And it's one I HAVE to finish, because it's so depressing up until the ending.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

^ I find that movie to be one of the most uplifting. It's a hard journey, but the end gives me this amazing sense of hope that almost always makes me tear up. I love that movie. It's one of the greatest. And it's one I HAVE to finish, because it's so depressing up until the ending.

Yes exactly. Thats why I'm pissed off with it just stopping on me - I only saw the depressing stuff, people being casually shot dead, children hiding in port-a-loos. :( I've seen it before but still.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Eastern Promises - 8/10
Raiders of the Lost Ark - 9/10
Temple of Doom 7/10 - Kate Capshaw kills it for me with her ditziness