RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Top Gun 9/10

Classic! Cruise needs to make the sequel happen!

Casino 9/10


Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Different films altogether.

I probably rate Top Gun as highly because of its nostalgic value to me. One of the first movies I ever sat down and watched with my father.

Go watch your Avengers!!!
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Christ, did anyone not watch the other video from that guy?


Retarded youtube posters, more like retarded youtube viewers.

I think that's Teddy there with the long girly hair. :monkey3

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

So you like to watch troll-videos but hate those who trolling...

I don't mean any offence by this, but... Are you an arshole?! :lol
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

So you like to watch troll-videos but hate those who trolling...

I don't mean any offence by this, but... Are you an arshole?! :lol

It wasn't a troll-video. :slap

I get a kick at people who think trolling is disliking something. Or poking fun at something.

I don't like to watch basketball, I must be a major troll.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Cabin in the Woods - 8/10
I heard good things, I heard bad things... They made me curious so I decided to see for myself. Blind-bought the Blu today... and man I'm glad I did. This was awesome! :rock :rock
The whole ending sequence was freaking insane, totally outrageous, but oh so much fun! :lol :lol