RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

It was visually perfect in theater. Best one of the best 3D movies i've seen.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

It was visually perfect in theater. Best one of the best 3D movies i've seen.

That's what I heard as well, but it isn't the case for the Blu. Avengers, Tron, Avatar, and some of those that were great in theaters, are very well replicated on my projector. Not the case for this one.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Interesting. I saw it enough times to never need to see the 3D again.

Movie is ****, but worth it for the last hour. Assuming you skip through the boring crap. :lol
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Hook - 8/10
Hadn't seen this one in years. While it looked outdated here and there, it still was a good watch. Dustin Hoffman truly makes this movie. He was great as Hook! :rock :rock
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Count Dracula (1970) - 7/10 - Not 100 percent but a pretty good adaption of the novel.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Hobbit : 5.5 /10 - First half was a yawner the end was ok. I cannot believe all the love but to each their own
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Polar Express 3D - 9/10

Best Christmas movie. For being converted it's gotta be one of, if not the best 3D films I've seen. It never lets you forget it's in 3D like a lot of 3D movies do, and I don't mean stuff constantly coming at the screen, although it does happen. I mean, how it's used with the depth of field.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Green Hornet - 6/10
It started out ok, then it started to drag, in the end it was just mediocre. The movie was too long for what they had to tell, Seth Rogen was annoying, even Christoph Waltz couldn't save this one. Kato and the car were the only two cool things in this.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Adventures of TinTin: 4/10

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol: 6/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Star Trek (2009) - 8/10

It's better each time i watch which is strange, i still didn't like the Uhura/Spock thing, hated Kirk as a kid, felt the 'i'm leaving the ship to go to my death, you are now Captain' was stupid along with the other fast track methods to get the classic crew in command.

The third act kinda stretched on, their were convenient plot holes like why they have to use cadets to rescue Vulcan instead of the fleet, where is the fleet to to defend Earth against the Narada ect...

I've likened to Pine's Kirk, i thought he was a ********* the first two times i watched it, now i'm seeing him more as an overly confident character. I still have doubts on how they can make him a fitting commander, he seems good in a crisis situation but not other times.