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Mud - 9 out of 10

My favorite movie of 2013. Of course we're only half-way into this year, but chances are it could remain as my top pick by the end of December. God Only Forgives maybe the contender to change that. The fact it got booed at a film festival for being too violent, has only heightened my excitement for it.

Great to know! We get it here at the end of May and I can't wait for this :rock
This is the only big popcorn franchise I am somewhat excited to see. I only saw Iron Man 3 because my friend wanted to go and I haven't hung out with them in a while. The Thor sequel does nothing for me. Too many Marvel movies... feels like overkill. Star Trek... meh. Never been much of a Trekkie. I will see it, but I can wait.

So why Fast and Furious 6? It's my guilty pleasure. Half of the time it makes no sense. Sometimes you need that stupid mindless fun ... It's nice in small doses.

It's a fun movie (they all are). It's not as good as the last 2 or the first, but it's really fun. The last sequence is very cool to.
@CelticP: Is this what you're trying (and failing lol) to say!?

The reason why The Avengers is "film history" is because it did something that had never been done before (or thought possible) when it comes to big budget movies i.e. films with a budget of 100 million dollars and up: It got passed the financial/logistical nightmare involved with having actors (not characters, but actors) who've appeared in/starred in their own successful movies to star in one single film together that incorporates all those individual characters (and all those high paid, individual actors).

I can't think of any other film to do that before (or since minus the next Avengers movie).
Fast and Furious 6- I enjoyed it even though I didn't know the backstory. My wife asked why I kept laughing at the end, all I could think of was everyones comments about how long that airstrip was. :lol
Dead Snow- 7/10. (Great B flick)

Star Trek - Awesome! :rock. 10/10. Not better/ not worst, but was one of the best movie enjoyment I have had in a long time! Bravo JJ!