Gatsby in a lot of ways reminds me of myself in a way. Very tragic love story. Love his passion and unwillingness to listen to those around him... hmmmm I can relate. lol
Great set pieces and thought Leonardo did a fantastic job. As he gets older I can see him turning into an Oscar calibre actor.
Dumb, but really really fun. I actually cared about the characters, could tell what was going on, was not edited for those with ADHD, and the plot actually made sense (even though there was nothing original about it)
Pacific Rim. Major dissapointment. Terrible script and acting, wasn't expecting oscar performances but it was worse than it should have been and while the CGI was cool, everything was shot too close. 6/10
Man of Steel: 7/10
It wasn't as bad as I was expecting, based on all the bad reviews it's gotten, but it had its problems. Definitely all the criticisms about there being way too much action was spot on. But I also don't think it was devoid of emotion or characterization like the reviews suggested. I also think it's the Superman movie fan boys have been demanding for ages, Supes punching the crap out of other super beings, and lots of action and destruction. Which all goes to show: be careful what you wish for. I really did enjoy the non-fighting parts. I thought Cavill played Supes fairly well with what he was given. I thought Amy Adams was great as Lois and thought she had plenty to do and was fleshed out well. And thought the rest of the cast, particularly Crowe and Costner, were excellent. The criticisms that Supes didn't show enough concern for regular people was well founded. It bothered me that he didn't move his Smallville fight to the cornfields instead of keeping it right in the middle of town.
I do like where they left things off and it made me excited for the future installments. However, that's all ruined now because of the Superman/Batman team-up movie now being the official sequel.
An Aussie indie flick. It's not bad, that's the story below copy & pasted from IMDB. The acting & characters were just about ok but it should of been alot more scarer & the pace of the movie was a bit to slow for tastes.
Big cat conservationist LARRY BLACK and his filmmaker brother BEN travel into the Indonesian jungle to find and document the rare and endangered Javan Leopard. As they travel deeper and deeper into the jungle they realise they are being stalked by a deadly predator.